Foto Profil Belly Culinary

Belly Culinary

142 Review | 106 Makasih
Alfa 2018 Level 10
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  • 3.8  
    Go Mango! [ Puri, Minuman ]

    Mango meets coconut

    Mango meets Coconut
    Go Coco. Perpaduan mango juice, mango sorbet, dan coconut cream dengan potongan buah mangga ini surprisingly menyegarkan banget. Meskipun menurut aku mangganya sedikit asam, tapi dengan coconut creamnya, jadi sedikit tertutupi. Overall ini menu yang refreshing banget !

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.6  
    Collage - Hotel Pullman Central Park [ Slipi, Barat, China, Jepang ]

    Extensive selections of international food

    One of the most complete all you can eat buffet in Jakarta. Their Pork Knuckle was really crispy and delicious. Collage's Salmon Sashimi was fresh and super tasty. Really good Indian food and pasta as well. Some of their dessert, such as the Chocolate Fondant and Vanilla Ice Cream, was just the perfect ending to the delicious meal.

    Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Dope Burger & Co. [ Menteng, Barat ]

    Industrial decorated space with decent burgers

    Cobain pilihan burger dengan bun warna warni dari Dope Burger. Menu yg kita coba ada Black and Yellow, Waldorf Burger, Volcano Fries, Velvet Venice Slider, dan Miss Samoa Slider. Rasa burgernya menurutku cukup oke. Cocok utk sharing dan makan rame2. Yg wajib diacungin jempol di sini sih dekornya yg tipe industrial ala ala dan cantik gitu. Jadi makanannya semua jd super instagrammable deh.

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    2 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.8  
    Mother Monster [ Thamrin, Barat ]

    Excellent brunch with unique decor

    Enjoyed a quick brunch at Mother Monster last weekend. I came here with zero expectation and leave with a full stomach and lots of words to say about this restaurant. First of all, they have 3 separate rooms, one with drink and cake stations that can be seen when you are walking inside the mall. Mother Monster'second room has unique pink walls, larger tables, and huge bar/liquor station. Instagrammable indeed. Lastly, the outdoor area. The rooms had different characters that are suitable for different occasions. Anyway, the food here are AMAZING!! Here are the brunch menu that I tried :
    1. Brisket and Eggs

    I really enjoyed the cook and seasonings on the brisket. It was hearty and I love it. Their mashed potatoes are incredibly soft and creamy. The eggs gave a nice richness to the dish. Portion wise, it's huuge!
    2. Salmon Scrambled Eggs

    Hands down best Truffle Scrambled Eggs that I have ever tried in my life. Couldn't stop eating them. The eggs are moist and velvety, and the flavor of truffle were spot on. I can imagine myself coming back to this restaurant  every week just to enjoy this menu. Their salmon was cooked to perfection, and paired beautifully with microgreens. A must order!
    3. Monster Double Decker

    Huge burger with two beef patties, caramelized onions, cheese slice, veggies, and their special sauce. The burger was served along with crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, potato wedges. It was not their brunch menu, but this burger was one of Mother Monster's best sellers. I really like their burger as well, though I personally thought that the onions were slightly bitter. Their potatoes though, absolute perfection!!
    4. Varlhona Chocolate French Toast

    What's not to love about french toast, chocolate, and ice cream?? This french toast for me tasted more like a dessert than a filling brunch menu. I'm not complaining, though. This dish was perfect as it's own. Combination of bitter chocolate with sweet french toast and syrup was lovely.
    5. Amer Cake

    This cake had a unique ingredient, which is Indonesia's most beloved sweet wine, Anggur Merah. It was made into a jelly that was placed in between layers of super soft whipped cream and moist cake. The taste was very-amer-like. It was awesome!

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.4  
    Feast by Kokiku [ Senopati, Indonesia,Jepang,Barat ]

    Resto cantik dgn makanan Indonesia yg wah

    Ke resto cantik yg dipersembahkan Kokiku TV ini dengan rasa penasaran. Restonya super bagus banget, photogenic dan ala2 gitu. Ada ayunan utk foto, nice bar, ambiance restonya jg oke. Sayangnya jarak antar menjanya menurutku agak kerapetan. Utk makanannya, mereka nyediain makanan Indonesia. Aku cobain:
    1. Bebek betutu

    Ini rasanya cukup ok, bebek 1 ekornya dipair with sambal yg mantep banget dan nasi kecombrang. Sambelnya ga terlalu pedes, pas dimakan sma bebeknya yg lembut.
    2. 48 hours Ribs

    Menu favoritttt!! Must try ya kalo disini. Ribsnya dibumbuinnya super pas. Not overwhelming, tapi ga terlalu dikit jg. Cara memproses daging ini bikin ribsnya empuk. Porsinya jumbo juga. Suka bangets kalo ribsnya dimakan pake kol goreng mereka yang terenak yg pernah ada, sambel, dan lawar-nya.
    3. Duck Vermicelli 

    Bihun ini bisa berubah warna guys kalo diaduk. Rasanya cukup refreshing, soalnya bumbunya agak asem gitu. Dimakan sm kres2 dr lotus root goreng dan kacang2nya super cocok. Bihunnya jg gaada bau beras yg unpleasant.
    4. Banana blossom

    Jantung pisang ini dimasaknya cukup unik sih. Agak asin2 asem gimana gitu. Cukup oke.
    5. Feast Fritters

    Bakwan jagungnya tuh tipe yg tipis, jagungnya timbul2 dan super garing. Ini sih enak bangets ya tableku sampe nambah terus. Gorengan super enaksss!!
    6. Sup Brenebon

    Rasanya agak beda sama brenebon lain yg pernah aku coba karena rasa kacang merahnya kurang dominan pd kuahnya. Lebih ke dagingnya yg dipake. Aku sih lebih suka yg begini karena ga terlalu suka kacang merah.
    7. Broncos rawon

    Sup ini worth to try banget menurutku. I never had broncos, so I don't know what to expect. Tapi setelah makan, aku suka banget sama daging sapinya yg lembut, kentang goreng di dalam supnya yg masih garing. Bahkan aku suka banget tahunya. Really delicious.
    8. Lawar

    Lawarnya rasanya lebih dominan asin. Cukup oke sih.
    9. Nasi jeruk

    Daun jeruknya cuma hint2 aja gitu di nasinya. Enak tp kurang impressive soalnya aku sebelumnya udh cobain nasi kecombrangnya.
    10. Nasi Kecombrang

    My favorite rice of the night. Berbumbu banget, irisan bunga kecombrangnya bikin nasinya tambah wangi. Mantaps.

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.2  
    Marco Padang Grill [ Puri, Indonesia ]

    Padang Peranakan enaks

    Follow our IG : @bellyculinary
    Nyobain Padang Peranakan dari Marco by Chef Marco Lim dan jatuh cinta deh sama makanan padang di sini. Semua menu yg aku coba enak2 banget, mulai dari Nasi Sayo, yaitu nasi + bumbu gulai + tumis kacang panjang dan kol + sambal + kerupuk. Rendang Hitam Kayu Bakar mereka jga enak banget, bumbunya super ngeresep dan dagingnya lembut parah. Barramundi Panggang-nya juga ga kalah enaknya. Lembut dan fresh gitu ikannya. Sate Udang dan Chicken Wings ala Bukittinggi yg aku makan jg mantapsss.

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.0  
    Roast Beef Gusto [ Panglima Polim, Barat ]

    Roast beef mantaps

    Follow our IG : @bellyculinary
    Penasaran banget cobain Roast Beef Gusto setelah liat IG tmn2 yg makan disini. Dagingnya ternyata beneran tebel bangets loh. Rasanya Roast Beef-nya terjuicy, bumbunya jg super ngeresep dan enak, sedap bangets deh. Menu yg aku cobain:

    1. Gusto Burger with Roast Beef

    Burger Full Daging ini tebel banget deh, penuh protein juga. Burgernya tipe yg lunak, soalnya pake sapinya banyak. Kematangannya juga pas banget. Dimakan pake potongan roast beef-nya sih bener2 manteps. Mereka punya saos BBQ spesial yg khas deh, enakk pokoknya.
    2. Roastgram with Mozzarella

    ini tuh burger dengan daging sapi 100 gram pake keju mozzarella yg meleleh. Duh cinta banget sama roast beef-nya, makanya ini menu favoritku, soalnyya dpt dagingnya banyakk. Keju tg dipake juga enak, dicombine sm daging, roti, sayuran, dan saosnya tambah mantep.
    3. Roast Beef On Fries

    ini bener2 menu ideal utk sharing, soalnya porsi kentangnya gede bgt deh. Trus dagingnya juga banyak. Kentangnya ukurannya gede2 dan cukup firm gitu. Kentang ini dikasi saos mayo dsn signature saucenya mereka. Enakk dee pokoknya.
    4. Brisket on Bun

    Kalo burger ini pake potongan daging yg beda sama menu yg aku beli . dagingnya ini lebih tebel, gede2 ukurannya, dan lebih "ngegigit" gitu. Juga ga kalah enak.
    5. Lava Rice

    Menu favorit temen makanku nih! Rasa nasi dikasih daging sapi, keju mozzarella, saos spesial, dan mayo emang enak bangets. Sekali lagi porsinya juga guede dan dagingnya banyak. Must order yaa kalo disini dan lagi gamau makan burger.
    6. Jagger Darkchoco Hazelnut

    Ini minuman yg aku pesen, isinya minuman dark chocolate yg kentel, ada rasa hazelnutnya. lalu di atasnya dikasih eskrim vanilla. Manis2 enak deh.

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Chir Chir [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Korea ]

    Chicken and Beer

    Follow our IG @bellyculinary
    Resto yg khusus menjual sajian ayam dan bir ala Korea ini memiliki pilihan makanan yg cukup banyak. Porsinya besar dan rasanya enak, meski harganya tidak bs dibilang murah. Aku coba Pairing Dinner-nya menu Chir Chir dengan Bir. Ini menu2nya :
    1. Chir Cheese Fries with Bohemian Pilsner

    Appetizer kentang goreng yummy dengan keju khas Chir Chir. Tambahan olivenya bikin ada sensasi asin2 gitu. Wajib dimakan saat panas2 biar masih melting kejunya. Cocok dengan Bohemian Pilsner yg rasanya light.
    2. Spicy Chibab with Deschutes Black Butte Porter

    Ayamnya gede2 deh di resto ini. Saos spicynya cocok banget sama keju dan kulit ayam garingnya. Saosnya lumayan ada rasa bawang, dan ga terlalu pedes. Bir Deschutes Black Butte Porter enak dehh, agak berat dan ada aroma khasnya gitu. Cocok sama Spicy Chicken yang berat juga. kalo saosnya ada sisa setelah dipanasin bisa dikasih nasi utk dbkin nasi goreng loh.
    3. Chir Chiqueen with Summer Solstice Cream Ale

    Ini tuh boneless chicken yg digoreng tepung dengan bumbu spesial Chir Chir. Terus dikasih melted cheese dan dimasak di atas kompor portable biar anget terus. Aku suka banget boneless chickennya, soalnya juicy gitu dagingnya. Ini emg cocok buat bagi2 sih soalnya porsinya gedee dan lmyn asin gtu.
    4. Fried Chicken Original with Poleeko Pale Ale

    Ini ayam goreng favoritku bingitsss. Bumbunya gurih dan kulitnya garing. Must order yaa kalo disini. Bumbunya agak pedes dan ala Amerika gitu.
    5. Fried Chicken in Garlic Sauce with Summer Solstice Cream Ale

    Bumbu garlicnya agak manis dan wangi bawang. Unik dan cukup oke. Menurutku paling cocok dipaduin sama Summer Solstice Cream Ale.
    6. Rosemary Baked Chicken with Poleeko Pale Ale

    Ini sajian favorit keduaku, soalnya Baked Chickennya punya rasa rosemary yg light. Rasanya lebih sehat dari Fried Chicken dan tetep enak. Daging ayamnya juga super lembut.

    Menu yang dipesan: Chir Cheese Fries, rosemary chicken, Garlicky Chicken, Crispy Fried Chicken

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.6  

    Comfy brunch spot

    Follow our IG : @bellyculinary
    Recently had a late lunch here. Poach'd definitely has spacious place with simplistic decor and interesting artwork. A comfy place to get a plate of brunch or a cup of coffee. They also has a lot of parking spaces. Their food are nice, some hearty and some healthy. We tried:
    1. Apple cinnamon muffin

    Traditional style muffin. Couldn't really taste the apple, but the overall flavor was nice.
    2. Caramel sprinkle

    My favorite drink! The caramel and coffee blended really well. They placed the nuts on the mouths of the glass so that it could be consumed together with the coffee. The nuts added nice crunch and flavor. A must order.
    3. Coffee latte sprinkle

    I am not a fan of sprinkles, but the flavor of coffee is nice and balanced. It's not too bitter and not too sweet.
    4. Iced soya latte

    Can't really taste the difference between the soya latte and the other lattes that used cow's milk. Tasted equally nice.
    5. Indian

    Never had this type of flavor at brunch, and I could say that this dish was definitely delicious. This dish consisted of omelette, red curry, cumin chick pea salad, lentil spread, cucumber with mint and yogurt. It had bold flavors, but the dish itself was very light. The one complaint that I had about this dish was the bread, it was somewhat too hard and didn't quite blend with the overall flavor.
    6. Pulled pork sandwich

    Sweet and salty braised pork thigh, homemade BBQ sauce, grilled pineapple, tomato, jalapeno, and cheese. Again, the bread was a bit too dense. However the flavor of pork was nice, slightly on the sweeter side.
    7. Pomegranate muesli bowl

    Oats topped with fresh fruits including pomegranate seeds, mango, banana, almonds, and chocolate chips. The taste was okay, not something that I would crave. The mangoes were too sour, in my opinion.
    8. Healthy grilled salmon

    My favorite dish! Their wasabi crusted-Norwegian salmon was cooked to perfection. They also added roasted broccoli, cauliflower, and quinoa sage risotto that pairs really well with the dish. Plus this menu is healthy!

    Menu yang dipesan: Apple cinnamin muffin, caramel sprinkle, coffee latte sprinkle, iced soya latte, indian, pulled pork sandwich, Healthy Grilled Salmon, Pomegranate Muesli Bowl

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.2  
    Biggy's [ Melawai, Barat ]

    Burger jumbo dgn harga affordable

    Baru pertama kali nyobain Biggy's dan hepi banget bs dapetin burger yg super guedee dgn harga yg cukup affordable. Favoritku tuh Triple Cheese Melt, soalnya dagingnya berasa seger, ukurannya juga gede. Ditambah keju makin sedepp. Aku juga suka banget Chicken Wingsnya. Garing di luar dan tepungnya ga trlalu tebel.

    Menu yang dipesan: triple cheese melt, Slogril, Chicken Wings, Salted Egg Chicken Rice Bowl

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.