2.6Waroeng Mee [ Sudirman, Indonesia ]
aneka ria mee instant
ini kesekian kalinya mengunjungi Waroeng Mee. Waktu awal buka, tempat ini selalu ramai sampai antri. Sekarang sih nggak sampai antri tapi masih tetap ramai, terutama jam pulang kerja karena banyak RoKer (rombongan kereta
) yang mengisi perut sebelum berjibaku di commuter line. Termasuk saya.
Tapi setelah agak lama nggak mampir, kunjungan kali ini (semakin) mengecewakan.
Pertama, gelasnya kotor kecoklatan, kaya' residu minuman sebelumnya numpuk akibat kurang bersih mencucinya (plis lah, beli gelas baru berapa sih harganya....). Mas Pacar yang pesan teh hangat jadi ilfeel dan terpaksa minum teh hangat pakai sedotan.
Kedua, meja kotor. Saya terpaksa mengeluarkan tisu pribadi untuk melap meja.
Untuk makanan sih untungnya masih tetap sama seperti sebelumnya, kecuali porsi yang kayaknya makin kecil (atau perasaan saya aja?) dan topping yang makin berkurang. Dulu pesan mie kikil (mee sukur) rasanya enaaakk banget kok sekarang kikilnya sedikit dan rasanya nggak seenak biasanya.
Mohon maaf ya, pengelola Waroeng Mee. Semoga bisa jadi kritik membangun.Menu yang dipesan: Teh Manis (Ice/Hot), mee sunrise, Mee Sukur
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.4Watt Coffee [ Senen, Kafe ]
One of the best coffee shop in town!
Di antara sekian banyaknya emerging coffee shops di sekitar Jakarta, Watt Coffee buat aku ada di Top 3 favorit
Sukaaaa banget sama ambience-nya, dekorasinya yang detail dan 'dipikirin banget' (misalnya, ada light bulb, karena mereka terinspirasi dari James Watt buat nama cafe-nya dan mereka ingin kopinya electrify customernya), hospitality barista-nya (plus, entah kenapa ya barista di sini kece-kece amat jadi gemesss *los fokus*), dan tentu aja kopinya yang enyak.
Tapi ternyata bukan cuma kopinya aja yang cihuy, makanannya pun enak. Kami coba pizza (mix bbq chicken dan black pepper), thin crisp dan bumbunya berasa, porsinya pun kenyang buat berdua.
Pokoknya Watt Coffee ini cocok buat ngopi sendirian sambil kerja (wifi kencang), nge-date (pilih duduk di sofa), atau ngobrol rame sama teman-teman. Sukaaa!Menu yang dipesan: ice mocha, Pizza, Daily Brew, Gayo Semi
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.2Kwetiau Aciap [ Karet Kuningan, Indonesia ]
Kwetiau enak porsi besar :9
Kwetiau Aciap ftw! Price-wise, this is one of the best kwetiau I've ever tasted. I love their Kwetiau Bun and Kwetiau Goreng.
Pro tips: if you want to take away or take a delivery order, go for Kwetiau Goreng. I don't know why their Kwetiau Goreng portion always bigger when it comes in take away :DkwMenu yang dipesan: Kwetiau Goreng, Kwetiau Bun, Kwetiau Siram
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.8Sop Kambing Bang Karim [ Tanah Abang, Indonesia ]
Sop kambing kuah susu :9
Sop kambing di sini agak mirip soto Betawi; kuahnya dicampur susu. Guriiiih banget! Aroma kapulaga dan cengkehnya juga bikin ngiler. Pantas saja warung tenda legendaris ini (katanya sudah buka sejak tahun '60an, lho!) selalu ramai sekitar sehabis magrib. P.S: jangan datang di atas jam 8 malam karena biasanya sudah habis
Menu yang dipesan: Sop Kambing, Sate Kambing
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.2Tenya Tendon [ Thamrin, Jepang ]
Tendon asli Jepang
I don't get it why Tenya is less popular here, while in Japan they're always full. And Tenya here is as just as good, actually. I have ordered Chicken Tendon, Chicken Gyudon, Egg Gyudon - all taste good! The portions are big. The tempuras are crunchy but soft & the tamagos are perfectly half-boiled. They're also rich in giving tendon sauce and toppings
The services are always quick and they have wide variety of promotions each day! Seriously guys, this place worth every single rupiah.
Menu yang dipesan: Tendon, Gyudon, Ocha
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.4Alibi Coffee [ Cikini, Kafe ]
another gem in Cikini
Coffee shop ini lokasinya di seberang RS PGI Cikini. I like their brick wall and the dim light - it feels warm. Untuk harga kopinya sedikit di bawah kedai kopi 'kekinian' yang lain but still taste decent, though. Creme Brulee Latte -nya enak, pas bakarnya, sementara Cappuccino-nya agak terlalu manis buat aku. Suasananya yang cozy dan musik yang nyaman, serta lokasinya yang 'serasa nggak di Jakarta' cocok banget untuk bersembunyi dari kemacetan pulang kerja
Menu yang dipesan: Creme Brulee, Cappuccino
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.0Six Ounces Coffee [ Kelapa Gading, Kafe ]
Not my cup of coffee :s
Others may praise this place, but... simply not my cup of tea (I mean coffee). Too crowdy. Too hipstery. Too braggy. I did't feel comfortable and couldn't feel the usual cozy-cafe-ambiance at all. Also, I don't really like the idea of queuing while ordering, especially when you queue behind a bunch of teenagers who spend so much time just to choose their orders.
I ordered Hot Mocha and it tasted wishy-washy. Didn't interest to try another cup, tough.Menu yang dipesan: Hot Mocha
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.4Kopium Artisan Coffee [ Kelapa Gading, Kafe ]
good coffe with instagrammable decor
The place's so cozy and nicely decorated. I've been here a couple times and their coffee always taste good. And moreover, the baristas were really friendly and highly customer oriented. I once went there all by myself exactly at 8AM to get a wake up coffee and they're already standby, safe and sound.
Anyway, for real coffee lovers, you'd like their selections of beans. For occasional coffee drinkers or coffee socialites, you'd like their witty interior. This place's got it all.Menu yang dipesan: Roasted Almond Creme Brulle, mozarella cheese stick, Ice Cafe Mocha, Ice Hazelnut Latte
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.2Tanpopo Jakarta [ Gandaria, Jepang ]
Yatai in Jakarta
2 thumbs up for their effort in offering affordable yakiniku (and introducing yatai concept), but honestly... there's nothing really to shout about >.<
The foods are decent, and everyone can enjoy the fun-grilling experience, but that's all.
We ordered:
- US Short Ribs (IDR 30.000) : it's tender and juicy although thin-sliced. I loved its moist texture while melting in mouth! Since the portion was a bit small, we ordered another portion each :P
- Spicy Negi Shio Ramen (IDR 35.000): I didn't really into the broth (too light and less spicy) but my partner said he likes it.
- Cold Ocha
Other things to improve is their order and seating systems. They don't have menu book so customer have to ask the waiters. They're also seems lacking of waiters. Perhaps they didn't expect to be this hype at first so they haven't really prepared but still, it's kind of lessen their services.Anw, probably will come back if accidentally happen around GanCit
Menu yang dipesan: US Short Ribs, Spicy Negi Shio Ramen, Cold Ocha
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.