Pancious  [ Italia ]
3.93 53 review


[ Italia ]
3.93 53 review
Harga : rasa

Pacific Place Mall, Lantai 5
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, SCBD, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Buka - Minggu (10:00 - 22:00) 021 57973360

021 57973360

Buka Senin - Minggu (10:00 - 22:00)

Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000 /orang

Pancious [ SCBD ]

  • Tipe KulinerItalia
  • Jam Buka
  • Stasiun MRT/LRT Terdekat Istora - Keluar D
    duration 5 menit

    Senayan - Keluar D
    duration 14 menit

  • PembayaranTunai, Visa, Master, Debet
  • Cabang: ya


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Pancious

Foto Profil Laura Oktavia

4 Review

Level 1

No Badge


Fav menu!

Favorito sekaliiii! So far ini waffle paling enak yg pernah gue coba. Sausnya anget gt dikombinasi sama ice cream dan waffle yg anget

Menu yang dipesan: Honeybom and Salted Caramel Saus

Tanggal kunjungan: 25 Agustus 2016
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Hungry Mommy

Alfa 2023

1739 Review

Level 19

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Bolognaise pancake selalu jadi favorite

Setiap ke pancious selalu pesan savory pancake, karena saya kurang suka manis.. Menu yg selalu saya pesan adalah bolognaise pancakenya. Pesen yang single pancake udah bikin kenyang.. Side dishnya yang berupa salad aja enak.. Sodara saya pesan caramelizes banana, green tea with crumble dan untuk minuman kita pesan fresh fruit cocktail.. 1 botol minuman cocktail dengan isi buah2an segar yang dipotong kecil.. Minuman ini bisa buat sharing 3-4 orang..

Menu yang dipesan: Green Tea, Fresh Fruit Cocktail, Caramelized Banana, bolognaise

Tanggal kunjungan: 22 Juni 2016
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Christalique Suryaputri

Alfa 2018

247 Review

Level 12

Ramen Kopi Pasta Sushi Dessert


Mango Pancakenya enyak!

After my boyfriend had a meeting in Pasific Place so we decided to have our dinner at Pancious.

I ordered Mango Pancake with Vanilla Ice cream and my boyfie ordered Chicken Balsamic Risotto, for the drink we ordered Thai Iced Tea and Mint Iced Tea. For me Mango Pancake really yum! But too sweeet~ I thought the diced of mango would be lil bit sour, but the mango sauce, diced of mango and vanilla ice cream made it really sweeet. Chicken Balsamic Risotto was SUPERB! I loved the smell of grilled chicken but the risotto lil bit salty and creamy, but I loved it!

Menu yang dipesan: Mango Pancake, Chicken Balsamic Risotto

Tanggal kunjungan: 12 Mei 2016
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!


204 Review

Level 12

Bakmi Pizza Pasta Dessert


Menu baru nya enak2

Pancious baru baru ini ada meu baru dengan tema summer. Menu baru nya antara lain ada :

Roasted Carrot Soup
Roasted carrot turn into a soup with a smoky flavour, hint of celery and crunch of croutons. Yes we like this one! Croutons nya jadi half crunchy because of the soup, we totally like this one! All the flavour mixed very well

Truffle Chips
Fried chips infused with truffle salt served with truffle dipping sauce. OMG, this is ssoooo ggoooodddd! Especially the truffle dipping sauce, wajib banget di pesan ya

Crispy Chicken Burger
Chicken fillet fried with homemade spices and our special homemade topping, coleslaw between two of their fluffy buns. I must say, their homemade spices are so damn good, but in my opinion better if the coleslaw are served separate with the burger. Because they put too much colesaw on it

Pan Seared Duck Breast
Pan seared duck breast on a bed of Chef’s Special mashed potato, shimeji mushroom and spinach on the side. Buat yang suka makan bebek, menu ini juga wajib dipesan, karena kita gak terlalu suka bebek karena suka mengeluarkan bau yang amis jadi kita gak terlalu suka menu ini:)

Dan masi ada beberapa menu lagi yg mreka launching, semua nya enak2! Bisa lihat full review di

Tanggal kunjungan: 17 April 2016
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Merry Lee

150 Review

Level 10

Bakmi Pasta Dessert


Menu kedua SUKA selain carbonara

Ke sini buat celebrate bday nya colleague. Biasanya pesen carbonara tapi berhubung lagi agak bosen, jadi pilihan jatuh ke Fettuccine truffle cream (IDR 75K). Emang yaaaa yang creamy creamy gitu emang gak pernah salah. Apalagi ini ditambah truffle, lebih nyuummyyyy lagi.
Untuk beverage nya kali ini untuk pertama kalinya nyobain earl grey ice milk tea (IDR 53K). Tampilannya unik dan lucu, bisa buat share berdua juga. Milk tea nya ga manis, manisnya berasal dari ice cube nya. Ennnaakkkk dan ga kemanisan.
Emang kalo lagi bingung mau makan apa tapi pengen makan pasta, ke PANCIOUS itu gak pernah salah hehe. Dengan harga yang gak begitu pricey, porsi yang pas, abis makan bikin hati seneng.
Cuma ya kalo untuk lunch di jumat siang, gak bisa reservation (Senin-Kamis bisa reserve by phone).

Menu yang dipesan: Fettuccine Truffle Cream, Earl Grey Ice Milk Tea

Tanggal kunjungan: 17 Februari 2016
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Yulia Amanda

277 Review

Level 12

Ramen Kopi Bakmi Pasta Sushi Dessert


Pancious Pacific Place Mall, SCBD

Pancious at Pacific Place Mall is located right besides ippudo ramen, from outside it is quite easy to spot pancious with their homey ambiance.

1. Spaghetti with Smoked Beef (IDR 76k) 
: this one is classic, aglio olio. It just never went wrong. The topping were smoked beef and mushroom. Pancious have never let me down on their pasta selections eventho we all know their speciality is on pancakes. 
2. Creamy Marinara Salmon (IDR 79k) 
: creamy marinara salmon was my very first choice since long time ago before salmon pesto born in Pancious Pasta Family. It was not too creamy like carbonara. More like tomato paste cream but not too strong as bolognaise sauce. The topping was diced salmon and for the pasta i chose fetuccini. Unfortunately I think they need to increase the amount of diced salmon in one plate because I felt like it was not enough. 
3. Duck and Mushroom Pasta (IDR 79k) 
: pasta with creamy-carbonara-like sauce, with mushroom and duck. It was my first time trying duck and mushroom pasta but the taste was quite familiar so you won’t be needing tounge adjustment. Not too bad I guess. However, not so special.
4. Dori Fish and Chips (IDR 98k) 
: their fish and chips turned out pretty satisfying. Came with sauted baby potatoes and salad, their 3 pcs of fish and chips were crispy outside and soft inside. Just like the one I usually had at F****co. The tartar sauce was also good. For sides, salad were okay but I smelled something suspicious on the weird sauted baby potatoes. I realized this on the last 2 bites of it so I cannot complained but it was a letdown.
5. Fruit Mocktail (IDR 59k) 
: one of the signature drinks from Pancious. Mango drink with cuts of fruits inside. Served in a tall pitcher and perfect for sharing. 

For the service, Pancious’ waiters and waitresses were generally friendly and fast but at that time maybe they were too busy so sometimes it was hard to call them. The restaurant area itself is cozy. One of the best place to eat good food and chit chat with friends. It’s one of the “every bite worth every penny” resto since most of the restaurants in Pacific Place mall are overpriced.

Menu yang dipesan: Creamy Marinara Salmon, dori fish and chips, duck and mushroom pasta, smoked beef and mushroom, fruit cocktail

Tanggal kunjungan: 29 Januari 2016
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Yulia Amanda

277 Review

Level 12

Ramen Kopi Bakmi Pasta Sushi Dessert


Salad & Waffle


Malem-malem pengen makan yang manis dan saya memilih Pancious. Restoran yang selalu menjadi andalan saya dan rasa makanannya tidak pernah mengecewakan. Konsep dan dekorasi resto ini nyaman dan cukup luas. Pas saya datang kami tidak perlu menunggu karena kebetulan ada meja yang kosong.
Menu yang dipesan yaitu: 
1. Caesar Salad 
: caesar salad yang biasanya menggunakan artichoke dressing kali ini mau nggak mau diganti dengan honey mustard dressing karena artichoke dessingnya lagi nggak tersedia. Untungnya rasa honey mustard dressingnya enak, walaupun ada sedikit rasa manisnya. 
2. Blueberry Cheese Pancake/Waffle 
: blueberry cheese pancake dari Pancious ini cukup legendaris loh. Make sure kalau kamu kesini, cobain blueberry cheese pancakenya. Kali ini saya memesan waffle sebagai pengganti pancake. As usual perpaduan antara cheese sauce, vanilla ice cream dan saus blueberrynya pas banget! 
3. Hot Tea 
: hot tea di pancious ini memang tergolong pricey yaitu hampir IDR 20k dengan merk teh yang nggak ketahuan. Tapi tenang saja karena hot tea dan ice tea disini refillable apalagi waiters dan waitressesnya cekatan banget dalam me-refill teh kita. 

Secara keseluruhan makan di Pancious nggak bikin menyesal dan kecewa. Kalau lagi pengen yang asin, Full Breakfast, berbagai jenis pasta dan risotto mereka juga enak-enak loh. Harganya yang terkadang agak pricey masih worthed dengan porsi dan rasa yang diberikan 

Menu yang dipesan: Caesar Salad, Hot Tea, blueberry cheese waffle

Tanggal kunjungan: 08 Januari 2016
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil @teddyzelig

Alfa 2019

1210 Review

Level 18

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Seafood Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Place for Pancake and Pasta

Come here with office mate to celebrate Christmas. Tempatnya oke. Cukup luas dan nyaman serta cozy.
Pelayanan cukup baik dan ramah. Walaupun ada beberapa masalah seperti makanan yang keluar lama dan makanan yang sold out tp tidak diinformasikan.
Main Course yg gw order Black Prawn Pasta secara penyajian sih cukup menarik. Secara skr lg trend juga 'black food'. Rasa enak. Pasta-nya al dente, seasoningnya agak dominan spicy. Prawn-nya perfectly cooked and feel fresh tp agak sedikit under seasoning.
Overall Pancious still one of the choice for dine and hang out.

Menu yang dipesan: Black Prawn Pasta

Tanggal kunjungan: 21 Desember 2015
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Magdalena Fridawati

265 Review

Level 12

Bakmi Dessert



Greentea Crepes with Vanilla Ice Cream (54k)
The fluffy crepes layered with vanilla cream, all drowning in greentea sauce and melted vanilla ice cream No need to ask how it tastes like. Amazing!!

Menu yang dipesan: Green Tea Crepes

Tanggal kunjungan: 02 Desember 2015
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Virginia

63 Review

Level 7

No Badge


Fettucini duck 😋😋

Selain pesan dessert , disini ceasar salad chicken dan fettucini duck and mushroomnya juga harus dicoba !

Karena ga terlalu suka juga sama spaghetti jadilah pesan fettucini, terlihat sekali kan creamynya gimana, bener rasanya pas dan ga kering, untuk duck and mushroomnya juga dimasaknya pas, ducknya empuk , jangan lupa minta parmesan cheese nya untuk menambah rasa kalau suka sama cheese :D

Tanggal kunjungan: 05 November 2015
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

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