The Garden  [ Kafe ]
4.11 77 review

The Garden

[ Kafe ]
4.11 77 review
Harga : rasa

Ruko Garden House, Blok B No. 27 - 28, Bukit Golf Mediterania
Jl. Pantai Indah Kapuk, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara

Belum Buka - Minggu (11:00 - 22:00) 021 50106607, 081338833308

021 50106607, 081338833308

Belum Buka Senin - Minggu (11:00 - 22:00)

Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000 /orang

The Garden [ Pantai Indah Kapuk ]

  • Tipe KulinerKafe
  • Jam Buka
    Belum Buka
  • PembayaranHanya Non-Tunai: Visa, Master, Debet, Ovo
  • Cabang: ya


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Review tentang Wonton Beef Bulgogi Taco dari pengunjung untuk The Garden

Foto Profil Kezya Benita

10 Review

Level 2

No Badge


IG : @kezyabenita & @makanteruuss

Tempatnya sangat amat menarik❤ bagus banget sih. Suasananya enak. Pelayanannya juga bagus!

Dateng kesini kamis malam. Tp ga reserve karna ktnya reservenya ud full. Pas dateng, pelayannya berusaha bgt biar saya dan keluarga dpt tempat duduk. They were so nice😘.

Here is the list of what i ordered :

- Wonton Beef Bulgogi Taco (5/5) ~ enak banget sampe psen 1 lagi wkwkwk. Crispy, dagingnya lembut.

- Fried Chicken (3/5) ~ biasa aja

- Sunshine Caramelized Pork (4/5) ~ pork nya crispy. Diatasnya ada salad (lebi kayak asinan sih). Enjoyable laa🙆‍♀️

- Nasi Babi Bali (5/5) ~ suka bgt! Satay nya empuk bgt, urapnya enak, babi gulingnya apalagi. Dia pedes tp ga terlalu pedes. (Gaada foto)

- 20 Hours Ultimate Short Ribs Steak (4/5) ~ ini datengnya paling lama. Tp emang dagingnya super duper lembut (anyway saya psen yang medium well). Ada side dishnya 2 small corn dibakar sama 1 crispy potato. Nah sausnya ini, mnurut ku ya, kl makan sendiri semuanya bsa eneg.

- Satu lg menu yg di foto yg dibungkus telur. Itu dalamnya nasi dan pork belly. It was really good ❤


Menu yang dipesan: Wonton Beef Bulgogi Taco, SUNSHINE CARAMELIZED PORK, Nasi Babi Bali, 20 Hrs Ultimate Short Ribs Steak, Fried Chicken

Tanggal kunjungan: 03 Agustus 2019
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Patricia.sari

Alfa 2018

151 Review

Level 10

Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Dessert


Instagrammable ambience and food

Kindly follow my IG @patriciasari


# crispy rice tuna
# the wonder duck crispy kecombrang half
# wonton bulgogi taco
# cheese burger spring roll
# spicy umami mushroom
# salmon tuna pizza
# spicy crispy tofu
# pepes bbq baramundi
# thai papaya salad with salted egg
# fried egg noodle
# krunchy black eel
# sunshine caramelized pork
# sambal escargot
## fried bbq pork bahn
# romantic garden salad
# heaven Smoke salmon sashimi with wasabi cream

# not diet today
# oops i dropped my ice cream
# kelapa muda panna cotta
# salted choco fondant
# she slice of heaven

Uploaded separately for dessert.

For 6 people, we did have big and huge appetite. 22 items not including the drinks.

Everything we ordered were very good. Only few are standard.

Krunchy black eel was crispy and tasty, deep fried eel served with sweet and sour sauce.

Cheese burger spring rolls were unique, they fill the spring rolls with minced beef and cheese. Quite good.

Sambal escargot, for those who dont like snail, try this one as they sautéed the escargot with chili sambal and served with prawn crackers.

Spicy crispy tofu was standard. Just a regular deep fried silken tofu served with chili oil.

Spicy umami mushroom was good, though it was a little bit too salty for me, but may be for others it was the perfect amount of umami. They mix shimeji and enoki mushrooms in a batter then deep fried. Good for nibbling.

Crispy rice tuna was pretty and different from others, fried sushi rice and topped with tuna, seaweed and wakame. Good looking but par taste.

Wonton bulgogi taco was one of my favorite dishes here. The bulgogi beef filing was delicious, the jalapeño makes it perfect.

Romantic garden salad was refreshingly good. Combination of pork belly and apple make a good ensemble of salad. The dressings was perfect.

Thai papaya salad with salted egg was fresh as well. Tangy tasty umami in one plate. Tangy from the mixed papaya and mango with tamarind sauce, umami from the salted egg sauce and dried prawn. Yummy

Salmon and tuna pizza on crispy thin dough, carpaccio style of salmon and tuna toppings. Something different, not your typical pizza.

Fried BBQ pork bahn or Taiwan style pork bun filled with glazed pork belly, kyuri and spicy mayo. Reminds me of fried mantao.

Sunshine caramelized pork was crispy but still maintain the tenderness of the pork belly. Liked the caramel sauce on it.

The wonder duck crispy kecombrang was unique. Liked their kecombrang rice, the rice was cooked with bunga kecombrang, very flavorful. The duck was quite crispy, the best part was the three different kind of chili sambal to accompany the dishes, all of them were good.

Hot pepes style BBq baramundi or baramundi fish grilled using banana leave. Fragrant yet flavorful dishes. Something different.

Heaven smoked salmon sashimi with wasabi cream was such a pretty dish. They cover the dish and open it in your table to maintain the “heaven smoke” underneath. Though the sashimi was good as well as the wasabi cream, but the smell of the smoke (reminds me of insence) sort of killing the dish, for me, it taste like I am eating an incense.

The garden fried egg noodle with pork and prawn. Standard type of fried noodle.

For dessert, those five items are decadently delicious. Oops I dropped my ice cream and She’s slice of heaven are my favorites. The layered crepe from She’s slice of heaven with ube sauce was heavenly delish.
Their desserts were delicious and pretty, so always make room for desserts.

Menu yang dipesan: Thai papaya salad, Romantic salad, Pepes BBQ baramundi, SUNSHINE CARAMELIZED PORK, Salmon tuna pizza, Sambal escargot, Crispy rice tuna, Salted chocolate fondant, Krunchy black eel, Smoked salmon sashimi with wasabi cream, Wonder duck crispy kecombrang, Wonton bulgogi, Fried egg noodle, Spicy crispy tofu, Fried bbq pork bahn, Spicy umami mushroom, Oops I dropped my ice cream, No diet today, She?s slice of heaven, Kelapa muda panacotta, Cheese burger spring roll

Tanggal kunjungan: 28 September 2018
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil CumaYangEnak

25 Review

Level 4

No Badge


Yummy, Cozy place to chill out n chat, Small Portion and Pricey

love this new cozy happening restaurant, beautiful interior garden concept!
I ordered :
Wonton Bulgogi Taco

served with crispy wonton skin and jalapeno 👌😘 very yummy!!!

some say when the appetizer is good, the main course certainly damn good. yes.. indeed!!!
Short Ribs Steak with truffle yuzu sauce.

love the sauce.. the meat was medium well cooked which I like. Downside for the portion, It just felt like eating appetizer hahahhaa (I'm pretty sure, boys will agree with me), so I ordered dessert to satisfy my tummy.
Salted Choco Fondant

basically it's similar like Choco molten lava cake, love the additional crunchyness from caramel biscuit and nut crushed.
finally my tummy has been satisfied, my eyes and ears pampered with nice interior and nice music, but not my wallet, LOL

Menu yang dipesan: Wonton bulgogi taco, Short Ribs Steak with Truffle Yuzu Sauce, Salted Choco Fondant

Tanggal kunjungan: 12 September 2018
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil nona jajan

6 Review

Level 2

No Badge


The garden,pik

Restorannya enak, cozy gitu enak buat hangout.buat makanan aku cobain yang tacos sama no diet today. Kalo untuk tacos, fillingsnya banyak enak asem gurih  asin gitu. Kalo buat dessert aku coba no diet today, super recommended. Browniesnya lembut, di padu sama es krim matcha yang ga pahit, terus ada kayak semacam bola isinya coklat lumer wah mantep deh. Will be back soon to try the main course. Tips buat kalian yang mau kesini mending kalo mau datang pagian, soalnya waiting listnya agak lama.

Menu yang dipesan: Wonton bulbogi tacos, not diet today

Tanggal kunjungan: 31 Agustus 2018
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Eat Bite Snap

Alfa 2018

308 Review

Level 12

Kopi Pasta Dessert


Serasa piknik di kebon

The Garden, sesuai dengan nama tempatnya - restoran ini sangat amat cantik dan instagenic. Begitu kita masuk ke dalam restoran, kita disambut dengan pohon-pohonan dan tanamaan bunga-bunga dengan setting rustic seperti di luar negeri. Untuk kalian yang mau OOTD, kalau kesini aku sarankan pake baju warna pastel atau putih atau merah, supaya lebih masuk dengan tema restoran ini dan hasil photonya instagenic.

Berikut adalah makanan yang aku cobain:
1. 20 hours ultimate short ribs steak: Walaupun persiapannya agak lama, tapi worth it untuk ditunggu. Dagingnya super juicy dan lembut, bener-bener melt in your mouth. Belum lagi ditambah dengan sauce yuzu dan truffle, duh gimana ya sampe bingung ngejelasinnya karena emang seenak itu!

2. Oops I dropped my ice cream: Tekstur ice creamnya amat lembut dan rasa kelapanya enak dan unique in a good way, suka banget deh! Apalagi ditambah yuzu curd yang fresh dan crumble crunchy sebagai pemanis di samping. Jangan kelamaan difoto ya guys - biar kalian bisa juga menikmati ice creamnya sebelum meler!

3. Wonton bulgogi taco: Untuk daging cincangnya lembut dan dibumbui ala bulgogi, manis dan asin gurihnya pas di lidah. Wonton skinnya juga tidak oily dan crunchy di setiap gigitannya - porsi sharingnya juga tidak terlalu besar tapi not bad untuk nyemil sambil nungguin main course kita disajikan. 

Menu yang dipesan: Wonton bulgogi taco, Oops I dropped my ice cream, 20 hours ultimate short ribs steak

Tanggal kunjungan: 06 Juli 2018
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil @Sibungbung

Alfa 2018

396 Review

Level 13

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Kopi Bakmi Pasta Sushi Dessert


Full Garden Decoration

Super gorgeous decoration

Benar2 seperti berada di taman, dekorasinya full bunga dan tanaman, sampai ke atap, bikin betah berlama2

Makanannya Asian fushion , beberapa menu yang saya coba :

Wonder duck crispy kecombrang, recommended, bebeknya empuk, nasinya gurih dan 3 macam sambalnya enak semua

Sunshine caramelized pork, porkbelly dengan saus yang agak oriental, porkbellynya enak renyah, sausnya agak kemanisan

Wonton taco, gak rekomen deh, rasanya gak fresh, taconya dari kulit pangsit goreng dan berminyak

Honey prawnstar, udangnya besar dan fresh tapi masaknya biasa saja

Ooops my ice cream, presentasinya lucu, seperti ice cream yang jatuh, rasanya sih gak special

Menu yang dipesan: honey prawnstar, oops my ice cream, wonder duck kecombrang, wonton taco, sushine caramelized pork

Tanggal kunjungan: 03 Juni 2018
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
3 pembaca berterima kasih.

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