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3.0Hyde [ Kemang, Barat ]
choco soil favorite
Went here at noon exactly when lunch. hard to find a seat because so many have reservations. whereas a lot of empty space but, because theres event for television program so I'm not allowed to sit there. And finally i sit in bar area. I like choco bomb and choco soil over there. I was hooked. The place was also a nice, comfortable, unique.
aku juga cobain caramel latte dan rasanya enak banget. caramelnya kerasa banget. pas sama campuran lattenya.Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.8Ron's Laboratory [ Pondok Indah, Es Krim ]
letaknya pas di depan uniqlo. outlet disini tempatnya gak terlalu ramai jadi betah lama lama disini, tempatnya cozy juga with cute interior. pas kesini siang-siang belum ada customernya. pelayannya juga ramah-ramah. dan kalo ditanya dia jelasin secara detail.
disini kita bisa langsung liat cara pembuatan ice creamnya. disini ice cream datangnya agak lama. karna langsung dibuat bukan stock dan datangnya cepat.di ron's itu menu ice creamnya ganti ganti terus jadi gak bakal bosen. pasti selalu ada yang baru. paling yang di keep itu yang best sellernya aja. yang lainnya pasti ganti gati terus.
waktu kesini chobain chocolate caramel with injection and dark chocolate. rasanya enak. ga terlalu manis. coklat banget. pas deh pokoknya.
my favorite place to enjoy ice cream!Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.4Nanny's Pavillon [ Pondok Indah, Barat,Italia ]
hot tuna pasta
Hi foodies!
Nannys disini temanya kitchen tapi menurutku disini ga kitchen banget. Beda sama nannys2 pada umumnya yang temanya benar benar kental.
Ga kedapetan duduk di sofanya kemaren pas kesini jadi duduk di depan bar aja deh
We're order fetuccini carbonara and hot tuna pasta.
Carbonaranya rasanya std aja. Meat nya juga kurang banyak dan kurang kental creamnya.
Untuk hot tuna, tunanya enak. Kerasa banget dan pedessss! Enakan hot tuna than carbonara.
for beverage, we order cookies and vanilla milkshake. just good.
Pelayanannya juga lama. Kita nunggu lebih dari 15 baru deh dapet makanannya.Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.4Marugame Udon [ Gandaria, Jepang ]
best udon
Favorite udon!!!! Pelayanannya bagus, cepat, rasa udonnya enak. Tempatnya nyaman, disini kita bisa refil ocha cool or hot. Recomended buat kumpul sama temen/keluarga. karna banyak tempat duduk dan tempatnya luas.
i order niku udon. paling sering kalo kesini itu order ini. kuahnya rasa asin manisnya pas banget. kekenyalan udonnya juga pas. dagingnya banyak. worth to try.
my dad order beef curry udon. kuah karinya kental dan enak banget. the best deh pokoknya niku & curry udon.
order juga side dish nya tapi side dish disini enakan kalo pas abis digoreng dan panas-panas. kalo udah ga panas ya udah ga enak terus too oily juga.
paling suka sih disini ebi tempura. yummy.. perf combination.Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.2Cake A Boo [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Dessert ]
Cute Cake
tempatnya enak, nyaman dan cute! pas banget buat foto-foto. suka banget sama tempat ini. ada belt nya juga dan aku duduk disebelah belt jadi kalau mau ambil kue, bisa langsung ambil aja tanpa order.
Look nice&cute. sayang banget buat dimakan but the taste just so-so for me.
aku pesan banyak karna banyak orang juga dan mereka agree with me that the taste just so-so. nothing special about the flavour.
Pelayanan OK,
waitress was good and friendly.
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
2.8Sinsa Ramyun Bar [ Kemang, Korea ]
Nothing special
located in kemang, exactly beside lin artisan ice cream.
dulunya ini stacks burger, tapi sekarang jadi sinsa ramyun.
sengaja kesini ga nyobain main coursenya karna liat review most people said that in here not good for main course.
so i just order dessert, the new dessert here is melon ice.
sooooo big that i cant finish it. i eat with my friend and still we cant finished.
rasanya biasa aja, cuma bagus ditampilannya aja. kaya icecream2 biasa pada umumnya terus dikasih sirup melon kaya sirup marjan terus dikasih susu. dan melonnya juga ga bisa kita makan walaupun tempatnya melon beneran karna keras banget itu udah di frozen.
orderan datangnya lama juga padahal cuma order dessrt.
pelayanannya bagus. ada wifi yang kenceng juga. tempatnya enak. nyatu juga sama lin artisan jadi bisa pesen lin terus dibawa kesini.Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Suisse Bakery [ Hayam Wuruk, Toko Roti dan Kue ]
authentic bakery
I often come here to buy bread with my family. This store is quite old and not open branches. The production is directly at this place make this bread fresh from the oven. I prefer the bread here compared with other bakery in Jakarta. It tastes gooood and different from other place. Favorite and recomended.
My favorite:
-banana choco
-cheese mayonnaise
-sweet corn
-3 flavor
but we cant eat here, only for take a way
and difficult enough to find parking areaHarga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.8Magnum Cafe [ Thamrin, Kafe ]
premium ice cream
The ice cream looks good! theres many varian of menu that contain of ice cream
start from single ice cream until dessert. theres many fruits also.
i order new crown jewel which is magnum grand glass with peanut coated vanilla stick, almond coated stick and dark chocolate brownie stick, with fruits, brownies, milk, nuts and milk chocolate sauce. and taste sooo good. i just eat with my friends and it makes us hooked. kekenyangan parah padahal makannya berdua. karna banyak banget juga..
Tempatnya cozyyy dan sekarang udah ga terlalu ramai dan ga perlu pake waiting list kaya dulu.
recomended!Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Pizza Express [ Kemang, Italia ]
Best pizza
went here to take a lunch on weekdays.
not too full so i can sit directly.
i came in and was immediately greeted by a friendly waitress.
i order american pizza.
and the taste was soooo delicious. theres peperoni and melted cheese. pizza is not too thin, but still crunchy and it fit.
different than the other pizza that u must try!
i also order lyche tea. so fresh! there lyche fruit in there. not wrong choice.
the place was cozy enough, i sit in big sofa that makes me comfort. theres smoking room also in outdoor.
available wifi connection and they served alcohol.
Recomended!Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.8Ruang Seduh [ Cikini, Kafe ]
Cozy Cafe
Ruang Seduh, the place is the back side of Aksara, you just need to walk straight to the back to find a small door, and also you can find Ruang Seduh.
Am not a coffee lovers, but the coffee taste pretty good. I like to linger and I like the concept of this place. Comfortable and good ambiance. however, there are not many variants menu of coffee. only provided some menu that we could see at the checkout counter. He also provides the juice from Judas, some cakes and donuts. I think that this place shud be serves many variants menu of coffee or another drink.
They also has a good service.
Menu yang dipesan: Panama Finca Hartmann The Sixteen, Toraja - Sulotco
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.