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Belly Culinary

142 Review | 106 Makasih
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  • 4.0  
    Roast Beef Gusto [ Panglima Polim, Barat ]

    Roast beef mantaps

    Follow our IG : @bellyculinary
    Penasaran banget cobain Roast Beef Gusto setelah liat IG tmn2 yg makan disini. Dagingnya ternyata beneran tebel bangets loh. Rasanya Roast Beef-nya terjuicy, bumbunya jg super ngeresep dan enak, sedap bangets deh. Menu yg aku cobain:

    1. Gusto Burger with Roast Beef

    Burger Full Daging ini tebel banget deh, penuh protein juga. Burgernya tipe yg lunak, soalnya pake sapinya banyak. Kematangannya juga pas banget. Dimakan pake potongan roast beef-nya sih bener2 manteps. Mereka punya saos BBQ spesial yg khas deh, enakk pokoknya.
    2. Roastgram with Mozzarella

    ini tuh burger dengan daging sapi 100 gram pake keju mozzarella yg meleleh. Duh cinta banget sama roast beef-nya, makanya ini menu favoritku, soalnyya dpt dagingnya banyakk. Keju tg dipake juga enak, dicombine sm daging, roti, sayuran, dan saosnya tambah mantep.
    3. Roast Beef On Fries

    ini bener2 menu ideal utk sharing, soalnya porsi kentangnya gede bgt deh. Trus dagingnya juga banyak. Kentangnya ukurannya gede2 dan cukup firm gitu. Kentang ini dikasi saos mayo dsn signature saucenya mereka. Enakk dee pokoknya.
    4. Brisket on Bun

    Kalo burger ini pake potongan daging yg beda sama menu yg aku beli . dagingnya ini lebih tebel, gede2 ukurannya, dan lebih "ngegigit" gitu. Juga ga kalah enak.
    5. Lava Rice

    Menu favorit temen makanku nih! Rasa nasi dikasih daging sapi, keju mozzarella, saos spesial, dan mayo emang enak bangets. Sekali lagi porsinya juga guede dan dagingnya banyak. Must order yaa kalo disini dan lagi gamau makan burger.
    6. Jagger Darkchoco Hazelnut

    Ini minuman yg aku pesen, isinya minuman dark chocolate yg kentel, ada rasa hazelnutnya. lalu di atasnya dikasih eskrim vanilla. Manis2 enak deh.

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Chir Chir [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Korea ]

    Chicken and Beer

    Follow our IG @bellyculinary
    Resto yg khusus menjual sajian ayam dan bir ala Korea ini memiliki pilihan makanan yg cukup banyak. Porsinya besar dan rasanya enak, meski harganya tidak bs dibilang murah. Aku coba Pairing Dinner-nya menu Chir Chir dengan Bir. Ini menu2nya :
    1. Chir Cheese Fries with Bohemian Pilsner

    Appetizer kentang goreng yummy dengan keju khas Chir Chir. Tambahan olivenya bikin ada sensasi asin2 gitu. Wajib dimakan saat panas2 biar masih melting kejunya. Cocok dengan Bohemian Pilsner yg rasanya light.
    2. Spicy Chibab with Deschutes Black Butte Porter

    Ayamnya gede2 deh di resto ini. Saos spicynya cocok banget sama keju dan kulit ayam garingnya. Saosnya lumayan ada rasa bawang, dan ga terlalu pedes. Bir Deschutes Black Butte Porter enak dehh, agak berat dan ada aroma khasnya gitu. Cocok sama Spicy Chicken yang berat juga. kalo saosnya ada sisa setelah dipanasin bisa dikasih nasi utk dbkin nasi goreng loh.
    3. Chir Chiqueen with Summer Solstice Cream Ale

    Ini tuh boneless chicken yg digoreng tepung dengan bumbu spesial Chir Chir. Terus dikasih melted cheese dan dimasak di atas kompor portable biar anget terus. Aku suka banget boneless chickennya, soalnya juicy gitu dagingnya. Ini emg cocok buat bagi2 sih soalnya porsinya gedee dan lmyn asin gtu.
    4. Fried Chicken Original with Poleeko Pale Ale

    Ini ayam goreng favoritku bingitsss. Bumbunya gurih dan kulitnya garing. Must order yaa kalo disini. Bumbunya agak pedes dan ala Amerika gitu.
    5. Fried Chicken in Garlic Sauce with Summer Solstice Cream Ale

    Bumbu garlicnya agak manis dan wangi bawang. Unik dan cukup oke. Menurutku paling cocok dipaduin sama Summer Solstice Cream Ale.
    6. Rosemary Baked Chicken with Poleeko Pale Ale

    Ini sajian favorit keduaku, soalnya Baked Chickennya punya rasa rosemary yg light. Rasanya lebih sehat dari Fried Chicken dan tetep enak. Daging ayamnya juga super lembut.

    Menu yang dipesan: Chir Cheese Fries, rosemary chicken, Garlicky Chicken, Crispy Fried Chicken

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.6  

    Comfy brunch spot

    Follow our IG : @bellyculinary
    Recently had a late lunch here. Poach'd definitely has spacious place with simplistic decor and interesting artwork. A comfy place to get a plate of brunch or a cup of coffee. They also has a lot of parking spaces. Their food are nice, some hearty and some healthy. We tried:
    1. Apple cinnamon muffin

    Traditional style muffin. Couldn't really taste the apple, but the overall flavor was nice.
    2. Caramel sprinkle

    My favorite drink! The caramel and coffee blended really well. They placed the nuts on the mouths of the glass so that it could be consumed together with the coffee. The nuts added nice crunch and flavor. A must order.
    3. Coffee latte sprinkle

    I am not a fan of sprinkles, but the flavor of coffee is nice and balanced. It's not too bitter and not too sweet.
    4. Iced soya latte

    Can't really taste the difference between the soya latte and the other lattes that used cow's milk. Tasted equally nice.
    5. Indian

    Never had this type of flavor at brunch, and I could say that this dish was definitely delicious. This dish consisted of omelette, red curry, cumin chick pea salad, lentil spread, cucumber with mint and yogurt. It had bold flavors, but the dish itself was very light. The one complaint that I had about this dish was the bread, it was somewhat too hard and didn't quite blend with the overall flavor.
    6. Pulled pork sandwich

    Sweet and salty braised pork thigh, homemade BBQ sauce, grilled pineapple, tomato, jalapeno, and cheese. Again, the bread was a bit too dense. However the flavor of pork was nice, slightly on the sweeter side.
    7. Pomegranate muesli bowl

    Oats topped with fresh fruits including pomegranate seeds, mango, banana, almonds, and chocolate chips. The taste was okay, not something that I would crave. The mangoes were too sour, in my opinion.
    8. Healthy grilled salmon

    My favorite dish! Their wasabi crusted-Norwegian salmon was cooked to perfection. They also added roasted broccoli, cauliflower, and quinoa sage risotto that pairs really well with the dish. Plus this menu is healthy!

    Menu yang dipesan: Apple cinnamin muffin, caramel sprinkle, coffee latte sprinkle, iced soya latte, indian, pulled pork sandwich, Healthy Grilled Salmon, Pomegranate Muesli Bowl

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.2  
    Biggy's [ Melawai, Barat ]

    Burger jumbo dgn harga affordable

    Baru pertama kali nyobain Biggy's dan hepi banget bs dapetin burger yg super guedee dgn harga yg cukup affordable. Favoritku tuh Triple Cheese Melt, soalnya dagingnya berasa seger, ukurannya juga gede. Ditambah keju makin sedepp. Aku juga suka banget Chicken Wingsnya. Garing di luar dan tepungnya ga trlalu tebel.

    Menu yang dipesan: triple cheese melt, Slogril, Chicken Wings, Salted Egg Chicken Rice Bowl

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.2  
    Nedhise'i [ Muara Karang, China ]

    Se'i Samcan recommended!!

    Follow our IG @bellyculinary
    Resto yg terletak di sebelah Ecclesiast Muara Karang ini punya daya tarik sendiri menurutku. Tempatnya agak kecil dan bangkunya cukup rapat2. dekornya pun termasuk simple. Nedhise'i memiliki sajian khusus daging babi ala Kupang (Se'i) dengan aneka sambal. Menu yg aku coba :
    1. Se'i Samcan

    Setelah cobain berbagai jenis Se'i dan sambal yg ditawarkan di Nedhise'i, aku bisa bilang kalo aku recommend Se'i Samcan-nya. Garingnya tahan lama deh, trus bumbunya pas banget. Daging yg dipake juga proporsi lemak dan daging-nya pas. Apalagi kalo dimakan bareng Sambal Nedhi (pedesnya sedeng, lebih dominan ke asin dan gurih) dan Sambal Matah (dominan bawang merah dan cabe). Buat kamu yg suka pedes, mungkin lebih cocok sama Sambal Padis (pedes, cabe banget).
    2. Paket Telu + Samcan

    Kalo kamu mau coba semua jenis dagingnya, kamu bisa pesen Paket Telu + Samcan. Selain Se'i Samcan, ada juga Se'i Original, Se'i Manis, dan Se'i Nedhi. Selain itu, kamu jg dapet nasi putih, sambal Nedhi, dan Sup Sayur Asin berikut dgn paket ini. Semuanya juga enak dan cocok banget dimakan pake nasi. Isinya super banyak, rasanya kalo pesen nasi 1 porsi lagi bisa utk makan 2 orang.
    3. Teh Sereh Nedhise'i

    Kalo udah makan segala daging itu, rasanya pengen cuci mulut dan turunin kolestrol dgn minum yg seger2. Teh Sereh ini cocok deh, soalnya rasanya nyegerin dan enakk.

    Menu yang dipesan: Se'i Samcan, Paket Telu + Samcan

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 5.0  
    Khao Khao [ Slipi, Thailand ]

    A new concept of Thai dining

    Follow our IG : @bellyculinary
    Biasanya kalo makan Thai food itu harus ngumpulin banyak org biar bs nyicip bnyk jenis makanan, soalnya gede banget porsinya. Agak beda yaa dgn Khao Khao yg nyediain makanan Thai dgn porsi single. Resto ini jg nyediain banyak minuman dan snack yg bs dcomot rame2, jd bs nongkrong agak lamaan di tptnya yg cozy. Khao Khao ini satu grup dgn Tom Tom, jadi jenis, keautentikan & mutu makanannya oke punya! Aku cobain :
    1. Yam Mamuang (Mango Salad)

    Asem, pedes, dan wangi bawangnya mantep banget. Ga nanggung2 rasanya! Suka banget makan yg seger2 buat appetizer, dan ini beneran bikin aku siap menyantap makanan selanjutnya. I would love for the mangoes to be cut a bit thinner, though.
    2. Kai Ho Bay Teai (Pandan Chicken)

    Ini enak gituu, bumbu kecapnya juara dan wangi pandannya berasa bgt. Our favorite appetizer
    3. KhaoKhao Popcorn Chicken

    Ini tuh popcorn chicken dengan potongan bawang goreng dan kemangi yg digoreng garing. Ini juga enak parahh, cocok buat makan rame2 sambil ngobrol. Apalagi kalo ditemenin Thai Tea-nya
    4. Neah Yang (Thai BBQ Beef)

    Potongan daging sapi BBQ ala Thai ini rasanya manis asin gimana gitu. Dimakannya pake nasi, saos Thai, dan sayur2an. Dagingnya cukup flavorful, tapi buatku agak keasinan buat digadoin.
    5. Kwetiaw Nam

    Our favorite main course! Ini tuh kwetiau ala thai yg agak pendek2, kenyal, dan tipis yg disajiin sama green curry ala Thai dan chicken. Porsinya cukup besar, creaminess currynya pas banget jadi ga eneg. Selain daging ayam, kamu bs nemuin sayur2an spt tauge dan terung bulat di sini. Enakss de pokoknya!
    Pastinya tempat ini jadi pilihanku buat hang out bareng temen2 dan makan siang selama lunch break kantor. Soalnya harganya cukup ok, porsinya pas, dan tempatnya dbikin centered gitu, jadi asik buat ngumpul.

    Menu yang dipesan: yam mamuang, Kwetiaw Nam, khakhao popcorn chicken, neah yang, Kai Ho Bay Teai

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    4 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 3.6  
    Sisterfields [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Kafe ]

    From Bali to Jakarta

    Follow our Instagram : @bellyculinary

    Hello folks, i’m glad that i got a chance to visit this newly hyped place in Jakarta. To be honest it’s my first time trying Sisterfields. Thus, i can’t really compare foods here and the one in Bali. The waiting list was pretty long, i waited like 20 minutes.

    First impression, it is an opened space, thus the smoking and non smoking area were not really separated. The place itself was cozy and comfy. Excellence service since there are a lot of people working here and there.

    We ordered several menus (the prices, not include service charge & tax):

    1. Pulled Pork Charcoal Burger (IDR 110k)
    It’s served with charcoal buns, fennel & cabbage coleslaw, french fries, and pulled pork with home made bbq sauce. The taste was spot on, the pork was juicy, tender, and succulant. The bbq sauce was not overwhelming the this but still pleasant 👌🏻. The bottom part of the bun however, a bit too crispy, thus a bit hard to cut. But overall, recommended ❤️

    2. Sisterfields Dirty Burger (IDR 110k)
    160 gr beef patty, served with smoked cheddar, house sauce, mustard, aioli, pickled onion rings, and french fries. Love the pickled onion rings and the sauce. But the beef itself was dry and not juicy, thus a bit hard to chew. The others are ok. Overall, probably will not re-order this.

    3. Lychee Rose Tea (IDR 45k)
    It’s basically a lychee tea with rose syrup. Love it since it’s not too sweet and you can still taste the lychee

    4. Lime Juice (IDR 45k)
    Just a glass of lime juice, fresh and not too sweet. Pretty refreshing

    Probably next time i’ll try their cakes and desserts 👌🏻

    Menu yang dipesan: Sisterfields Dirty Burger, pulled pork charcoal burger, lychee rose tea, lime juice

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    2 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.6  
    Namaaz Dining [ Senopati, Indonesia ]


    We had an amazing time at Namaaz Dining, since the food were excellent and presented creatively. We believe that the quality of food is as important as the dining experience, and Namaaz definitely delivered. We enjoyed 17 Indonesian cuisines, made using molecular gastronomy techniques:

    - Churros Cireng
    Salty tapioca fritters with peanut & shrimp paste sambal and pineapple sauce. Love the combination of cireng and the pineapple sauce as I never imagined both of them put in the same plate.

    -Telur (Fruit Juice)
    Mango popping bubble (shaped like egg yolk) and Lime juice (shaped like egg white), served in an egg shell. Sweet yet refresing. A bit hard to eat, but I think that's what the chef needed to do to make the 'egg' stayed that way.

    - Cabe-Cabean (Ayam Tinorangsak)
    The chicken was presented in the shape of chili. Underneath the chicken was tinorangsak sambal and rice chips. This was my favorite appetizer, as the rice chips was very thin and crunchy, and the seasoning on the chicken was perfectly bold.

    - Udang di Balik Batu (Udang Sambal Roa)
    The 'rock' was Shrimp made with Roa Sambal, processed to have the texture similar to Onde2. The black color was obtained from black sesame.

    - Kelereng (Urap)
    A refreshing appetizer consisting of vegetables and a whole shrimp wrapped inside gel-like casing. Tasted really good and looks colorful.

    - Daging (Watermelon)
    18-hours dehydrated-watermelon was reconstituted with its own water to get this kind of texture. Amazed by how similar it is to raw meat.

    - Keripik Balado
    If you have never tried eating candles before, you should definitely eat them here. Assorted chips presented inside the cassava root can be consumed by dipping them inside the candles. Apparently they used pecan as the wick to make the candle lightable.

    - Opor Ayam.
    The pencil is a piece of cracker, you could roll the paper with it and dip all of them into coconut sauce inside the ink jar. The dish was savory and incredibly creamy, with additional crunchiness from the pencil crackers

    - Teh Talua.
    Frozen meringue with fruit juice-popping bubble. The chef made it one-by-one in front of us. As soon as the appetizer was given to us, we have to consume it immediately. Tasted cold and refreshing.

    - Tumis Cumi
    The squid ink was dehydrated and shaped to form QR Code. Creamy-braised squid was put next to the QR code. They tasted amazing together as the squid ink was salty and umami.

    - Tunjang
    Innards stew, sambal ijo, and sambal krecek wrapped inside rice noodles that has been shaped like bowl. It tasted super creamy, not smelly at all. Super delicious!

    - Steak Bumbu Rendang
    My favorite main course, coconut sauce combined with 58 degree-seared-steak tasted amazing. Additional dried rendang completed the dish. A bit simple compared to the rest of the dish, but tasted divine.

    - Kambing Guling
    All of the dish was covered in charcoal to make the color black. The inspiration is from the charcoal used to roast lamb. The lamb was perfectly cooked, combined with sweet soy sauce and chili, as well as some sort of chips and boiled cassava. Also one of the most excellent dish of the night.

    - Teh Gemblong
    Namaaz interpretation of flavored tea, shaped into traditional cake, Gemblong.  The cake itself tasted plain, but after smelling the aromatics given along with the cake, the taste changed to what we were smelling. Such a great sensory experience.

    - Dragon's Breath
    Macaroon that has been dried using liquid nitrogen. We needed to directly put the macaroon into our mouth to make the smoke/dragon's breath came out from our mouths and noses. Hot tea were given to be drunk immediately after that, so we could taste the quick changes between hot and cold inside our mouth.

    - Explodeng
    The most unique dish/experience! Es Podeng was served in front of us one element at the time. When the last element was served, the desserts exploded, lights were turned off, and the music were played. It was messy, in the most amazing way.

    We have one thing to say: You MUST come here if you're longing for out-of-ordinary dining experience!

    Menu yang dipesan: tunjang, Teh Talua, explodeng, Opor Ayam, kelereng, churros cireng, keripik balado, steak bumbu rendang, teh gomblong, tumis cumi, dragon’s breath, Kambing Guling, Telur, cabe-cabean, udang dibalik batu, Daging

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    2 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.0  
    Pippo [ Senayan, Italia ]

    Great Authentic Italian Food

    Follow our instagram : @bellyculinary

    First time being here, love the ambience, great music with excellence service. During weekend, i suggest you to make reservation first since a lot of people come to pippo.

    Foods we ordered (the prices, not included service charge & tax)
    1. Angel Hair Aglio Olio E Peperoncino (with extra bacon) IDR 99k + 25k
    You can really taste the garlic and a just enough spicy. The pasta was al dente and i recommend you to add on the bacon. It really gives the saltiness and smokiness, which really compliments the whole dish. Yum ! Although it’s a bit too dry, but the taste was delish !

    2. Steak (IDR 299k)
    225 gr of Angus Beef Rib eye with french fries and salad. I ordered the medium well. A bit too greasy for me, but truly rich in taste. Although i found it difficult to cut, i love how juice the rib eye was 👌🏻. The salad and french fries were okay

    3. Lemon Butter Chicken (IDR 99k)
    Pan-seared chicken breast served with mashed potato. The chicken breast remained moist, well done 👌🏻. And the lemon butter sauce was bright, and freshen up the whole dish. The mashed potato was creamy and rich. Recommended menu.

    Overall, i would love to visit pippo again and try other menu 😋

    Menu yang dipesan: Steak, Angel Hair Aglio Olio E Peperoncino, lemon butter chicken

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.4  
    ShuShu [ Kelapa Gading, Minuman ]

    Tempat imut dengan Cheese Tea nikmat

    Penasaran sama tempat lucu yg letaknya di seberang Solaria Mall of Indonesia ini. Standnya super eye catching karena ada Giant Shushu-nya yg super imut dan bisa diajak foto. Tempatnya juga nyaman, ada beberapa bangku dan meja di sebelah stall utk nongrong2. Untuk minumannya, aku cobain:
    Suisse Molten Chocolate + Hokkaido Cheese Cream

    Minumannya rich dan endolitaaa bangett. Minuman Dark Chocolate-nya super enak, rasanya nendang tapi ga bikin eneg. Creamy deh, dan ada sedikit rasa savory dari Hokkaido Cheese Cream-nya. Jadi pengen lebih banyak Cheese Cream deh.
    Crispy Crunch Matcha Latte + Hokkaido Cheese Cream

    Di minuman Matcha Latte ini ada garing2 yg berasal dr Rice Crispy. Super enak dan kreatif, jadi ga cuma berasa creamy aja, tapi ada rasa rasa garingnya. Cheese creamnya bikin ini ada rasa asin2, seperti makan popcorn. Yum!
    Original Matcha Latte + Hokkaido Cheese Cream

    Another favorite of mine! Aku pribadi memang lebih suka apapun rasa ori, jadi aku appreciate their excellent Matcha Latte dan Cheese Cream-nya yang bikin ini rasanya jadi klasik. Bener2 balanced antara asin manis pahitnya, jadi aku suka banget.
    Bener2 stand minuman super unik dengan kreasi Cheese Tea yg enak deh Shushu ini! Must try yaa.

    Menu yang dipesan: Suisse Molten Chocolate, Crispy Crunch Matcha Latte, Original Matcha Latte

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!