4.0N Cafe [ Sarijadi, Indonesia ]
Bali mantap
Rasa: bebek crispy nya ok, garing dan gurih banget. Dan plecing sayur juga enak. Ayam betutunya punya bumbu yang mantap, serasa makan di Bali.
Suasana: udaranya adem banget, cafenya biasa saja cuma memang museum ini unik banget pokoknya.
Harga: cukup standar dengan rasa yanf ditawarkan.
Pelayanan: mereka melakukan kerja yang bagus dan ramah.
Kebersihan: saya tidak begitu memperhatikan. Tapi saya rasa bersih kelihatannya.Menu yang dipesan: Bebek goremg crispy, Ayam Betutu
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.2One Eighty Coffee and Music [ Dago Bawah, Kafe ]
Spot keren buat kopi & nyemil enak
Rasa: untuk kopi nya mantap bener dengan kopi yang strong baik picollo lattenya maupun ice vietnam coffeenya. Pizzanya juga enak dengan lapisan base yang crunchy dilengkapi dengan topping yang enak.
Suasana: bisa dibilang suasana disini nomor 1 atau hal utama yang bikin ramai pengunjung.
Harga: pas kantong banget yang makan berdua paling cuma 100ribu
Pelayanan: ok juga, ada stand by waiternya dan penyajiannya juga cepat walaupun ramai.
Kebersihan: cuku bersih, hanya ada daun di atas meja bagian lt.2. Saya rasa itu tidak masalah.Menu yang dipesan: Picollo Latte, ice vietnam coffee
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.4 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.6Two Cents [ Riau, Kafe ]
Spot buat nongki with kopi
Rasa: buat orange latte machiato nya sih ok. Pahit kopi banget. Cuma buat orang green teanya no way. Saya tidak merasakan green tea sama sekali. Untuk passion tart nya enak, agak manis tapi masih ok.
Suasana: emang cafe nongki banget dan hampir setiap meja ada orang2 membawa laptop
Harga: pas di kantong saya rasa untuk anak2 mahasiswa
Pelayanan: ok dan pelayanan yang cepat
Kebersihan: saya rasa mereka menjaga kebersihan.Menu yang dipesan: Orange Green Tea, orange latte machiato
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.2Braga Permai [ Braga, Indonesia,Barat,Belanda ]
Tempat eksklusif jadul
IG: foodioz
Rasa: makanan yang ditawarkan disini sangat klasik. Tenderloin nya enak, teksturnya ok dan mushroom sauce nya gurih. Saladnyy memiliki penampilan yang kurang menarik tapi cukup enak, segar dengan buah yang bermacam2. Dan untuk rum kismis es krimnya enak, sangat klasik dan memiliki tektur yang lembut.
Suasana: nyaman, ada bagian outdoor yang langsung menghadap ke jalan utama braga. Di bagian dalam banyak dekorasi kuno dan antik serta foto2 sejarah restoran tsb.
Harga: cukup memuaskan dan sesuai dengan makanannya.
Pelayanan: mereka melayani dengan bagus, sigap dan cepat.
Kebersihan: saya rasa mereka mengutamakan kebersihanMenu yang dipesan: tenderloin steak, Huzarensla, Rum Raisin
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.2Mie Rica Kejaksaan [ Braga, China ]
Taste: overall is good. Mie rica has really spicy taste also the mie pedas casao. But both has really tasty meat. For the baso udang goreng i am not really recommended though, only thick dough with tiny prawn also it is expensive.
Scenery: it is typical house eatery with space for about 20-30 persons. Dueing breakfast was really crowded.
Price: quite costing.. at least each person need about Rp 50.000 include drink.
Service: nothing much to be expected. Home eatery with low service. But they do quick enough.
Cleanliness: yes clean enoughHarga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.6Rumah Miring [ Dago Atas, Kafe ]
Nice place... food just fine
Taste: overall not really sarisfied though. Most foods are too plain and underseasoning. And somehow not really good presentation, except for the pizza is good enough.
Scenery: no doubtful this place has amazing view from up of the hills to the city.
Price: quite expensive for not so fascinating price.
Service: they did it quick though. Fast order and foods sure came out really quick.
Cleanliness: even though it has quite huge place and all using wooden. But they do good maintenance and keep all set.Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.4Armor Kopi [ Dago Atas, Kafe ]
Tea time in forest.. fun!
Taste: the special dish here is cireng. Actually i am not a fan of this meal, but this cireng absolutely good. Crunchy outside skin and chewy dough inside. But the Buah Buah Cinta bit confusing though. I dont think fruits such a good idea for risolle. Dont forget to try various coffee and tea, they made good stuff of it.
Scenery: stunning, having tea middle of forest such a briliant idea.
Price: most all menu sure much affordable.
Service: just like normal convenient coffee shop. Where you make an order, get on your seat and waiter would call your name to get your coffee. Problem is place is quite huge which he needs to yelled and shouting sometimes to call the customers.
Cleanliness: they do good enough even though some customers dont respect enough while throwing something around.Menu yang dipesan: Green Tea, chai tea, buah buah cinta, Milk Tea, Cireng
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.0Wild Grass [ Ciumbuleuit, Barat ]
Nice spot
Taste: overall they are offering western cuisines. But mostly with asian flavor and taste. I do like it though, suit with asian tongue and they did good seasoning. Only some dish are not fresh enough like the squids salad, and burger too cheesy somehow like i couldnt taste the patty.
Scenery: this place sure perfect spot for hang out with mates. Nice interior fit with garden outside.
Price: normal enough.
Service: they have quite many staff around the restaurant.
Cleanliness: yes they are doing good job.Menu yang dipesan: Asian Borscht, Spanish Squid Salad, ultimate burger, asian braised beef, chili prawn pasta
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.2Mie Naripan [ Sunda, China ]
Delicious Noodles Specialist
This Spot has been famous from old time i heard. They are serving only two kind of noodles which is sweet or salty taste. The good thing is we may choose various of topping available e.g meatball, fried dumpling, or meat tofu. The noodles sure really, chewy texture and really tasty. I prefer salty noodles though.
The dumpling soup also great, really tasty. also dumpling has nice filling as well. What i am not recommended maybe the fried meat ball. It sure huge size, but it is not a meat though. Overall it is only taste a fried dough.Menu yang dipesan: mie asin, Mie Manis, baso goreng, Pangsit
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
3.4Melbourne Kitchen - Nyland Hotel [ Cipaganti, Kafe ]
Multicultural Foods
Taste: They sure have delicate foods. The Gyutan don has tasty sauce, beautiful color and tender texture. And the Stir fried morning glory with fried chicken also great, really good seasoning and cooked well done. Perfect with the white rice.
Scenery: During evening, it is really dark around the restaurant. I really had difficult time to take a picture. At that time was really quite almost silent. But at least i could have mild dinner.
Price: Well it is worth it with the taste of foods. I think it is normal.
Service: It is just fine, even somehow got difficult to call the waiter since they are standing too far from the customers.
Cleanliness: Since it is very dark, i couldn;t see clearly around. But I think they do it good. tidy and settled upMenu yang dipesan: Gyutan don, stir fried morning glory with chicken
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.