Saine Daise  [ Barat ]
3.91 75 review
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Saine Daise

[ Barat ]
3.91 75 review
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Ruko The Metro, Blok 6 Unit KA, Lantai 2
Jl. Mandara Permai VII, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara

Tidak Buka Lagi 021 30051662

021 30051662

Tidak Buka Lagi Senin - Jumat (11:00 - 23:00), Sabtu (11:00 - 24:00), Minggu (11:00 - 23:00)

Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000 /orang

Saine Daise [ Pantai Indah Kapuk ]

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  • Tipe KulinerBarat
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Review dari pengunjung untuk Saine Daise

Foto Profil @ItsLeenLeen_

Alfa 2023

2934 Review

Level 20

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Christmas Lunch

Angel Hair with Tobiko & Truffle Oil. Enaak, pasta tertipis terus lembut dan wangi trufflenya mencolok banget! Christmas lunch ber2an doank ama temenn.. Minumnya hot tea biasa karena tempatnya udah super dingin. Christmas an disini bagus karena ada dekor pohon natalnya, dan udah ga perlu RSVP karena gak serame dulu :)

Menu yang dipesan: Angel Hair with Tobiko & Truffle Oil

Tanggal kunjungan: 25 Desember 2019
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Sisil Kristian

Alfa 2019

254 Review

Level 12

Kopi Bakmi Pasta Sushi Dessert Bubble Tea


Saine daise _ PIK

Pertama x kesini,dan nyobain spagethi nya katanya recomend loh..
Pesan yg angle hair dan tea flowers
Untuk rasa spagethinya enak,unik,semua berasa,dan spagethinya pas masaknya tidak lembek..
Tea nya pun wangi dan enak bgt.nsukak

Tanggal kunjungan: 21 September 2019
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil heiyika

Alfa 2019

634 Review

Level 14

Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pasta Sushi Dessert Bubble Tea


Bad service

Pertama kali kesini, tempatnya diatas ga terlalu besar sekali.

*****Service dari para pelayannya terasa TAK PUNYA ETIKA dalam melayani customer****
Gak sama sekali menyambut untuk kt duduk atau gmn pas kt dtg & mau bayar juga kita yg samperin + ga ada trimakasih atau senyum sedikitpun, juga rada jutek ckckck...[kondisi resto sepi, pada saat itu]

Oke..untuk makanannya disini gak sampe seburuk pelayanannya. Menu yg sy pesan:

1. Spaghetti pan seared chicken : rasanya pedas2, agak kemanisan, sedikit gurih dilengkapi dgn ayam idr. 80k

2. Saine daise signature umami bowl topping prawn : yg ini nasi, plus udang tapi rasanya agak2 asam, gak terlalu parah rasanya idr.149k

Menu yang dipesan: Spaghettini, Pan Seared Chicken, Konbu Milk, Saine Daise Signature Umami Bowl

Tanggal kunjungan: 18 Maret 2019
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Rinia Ranada

Alfa 2020

345 Review

Level 12

Seafood Kopi Bakmi Dessert Bubble Tea


ew great

ini sih minumannya itu agak manis asem juga tapi yah unik rasanya susah di explain. ini juga termasuk salah satu menu fav di saine daise. looknya juga oke banget kan? jeruk di atasnya itu di peres juga bukan cuman buat pemanis...
kalo salad sih biasa yah, maksudku ya emang gitu rasa salad wkwkw trs tempatnya juga oke banggeett buat nongkrong
betah ku lama lam disini

Menu yang dipesan: mixed garden salad, Charred Corn, Asian Vinaigrette

Tanggal kunjungan: 04 Maret 2019
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil @ItsLeenLeen_

Alfa 2023

2934 Review

Level 20

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Nice Coffee & Tea

Abis makan segitu banyak, langsung di netralisir pake kopi.. Nyicip2 ajaa capuccino sama black coffee nya gak strong, creamy tapi seger bikin melek dan rasanya gak manis. Aku sendiri prefer ngeteh, jadi mesen chamomile tea. Saine Daise sekarang udah sepi, gak serame dulu pas masih kekinian dan wishlist orang-orang. Walaupun masih suka dipake untuk event, cuma udah gak sefull dulu yang mau nongkrong lama aja susah..

Menu yang dipesan: Cappuccino, Americano, Chamomile Flowers

Tanggal kunjungan: 23 Februari 2019
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Mitha Komala

Alfa 2020

1767 Review

Level 19

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Super good food with great vibe ✨💃🏻

Super good food with great vibe ✨💃🏻

What i tried:
Gyudon Foie Gras
- So so good!! Beefnya super tender.

Pork Belly Sambal Matah
- Demen banget pork bellynya super garing & sambal matahnya so good.

Ami Ebi Angel Hair
- MUST ORDER! Love the fresh uni and soft pasta ❤️

Barramundi Brown Butter
- Enak bgt si ini ikannya. 😭😭 good pick for healthy option.

Pan Fried Baby Squid
- Cumi super yum!! Rasanya a bit indo-ish gt.

Yuzu Cremeux with Almond Sable
- HARUS BGT COBA 😋😋😋 rasanya asem tp ga bgt, pokonya refreshing.

Valrohna Chocolate Mousse
- Not your usual mousse cake. Great quality & taste of chocolate.

Food comes around 15 mins.
Waiters are very friendly :)

Menu yang dipesan: pork belly sambal matah, Onsen Tamago, pan fried baby squid, pan fried barramundi, Pinkfruit Brown Butter Sauce, Ami Ebi, Mix Greens, Goma Yuzu Dressing, Valrhona Chocolate Mousse, Yuzu Cremeux with Almond Sable, Gyudon, Char Grilled Wagyu MB5+, Japanese Rice, Chives

Tanggal kunjungan: 20 Februari 2019
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Andrew Wiradinata

1 Review

Level 1

No Badge


Nice Bistro

There was no restaurant in PIK that could grab my attention until this Saine Daise came into the food scene at PIK. I always love something french. I’ve tried many French restaurants at South Jakarta but I haven’t seen any in North. So, this place instantly moved up to the top of my trip list. There were hundred of pictures about this place that spread all over Instagram, but I will tell my own experience. Saine Daise was located just beside the Legend of Noodle at PIK. You would never find this place if you search low, because Saine Daise is located at the second floor. There is a cake store called EIO on the first floor. So, you might as well search for the EIO golden sign instead of Saine Daise. 

I asked my favorite person to accompany me on the previous Saturday. We arrived before 11 am, so the door was still closed. We arrived earlier because we want to capture the best thing without having to capture the crowd but I was wrong. There were already some people upstairs and all of the table in the classy decorated indoor section was fully booked. Apparently, there were some different events held there, so we have to sit at the balcony. When it was almost 12, I found the balcony was quite hot because of the sun. We were quite taken aback when the waitress turned on the blower, it was like I’m at Puncak. It was quite cool, not the air conditioner cold but more kind of convenient cold. Cooler than a fan if you want to know about it. So, we were quite happy just because of the blower.

The waitress handed us the menu. I was personally feel unsatisfied the design of the menu and the poor condition of the menu book. The menu book of a french fusion restaurant shouldn’t be just something printed and had soft cover but something better looking. Besides, the condition of the book was quite saddening, they SHOULD reprint the menu. 

The price was generally the same as the other French restaurants, if not cheaper. We asked for one portion of Gyu Don (115k), one pan seared chicken with chopped kombu and cream spaghetti (80k), deep fried chicken skin with asian dip (40k). For the drink, we ordered a glass of Cuddles on the beach and a glass of Nojito. We also called in a plate of Valrhona Chocolate Mousse for the desserts because we heard about a lot of people praised EIO for their desserts. We waited like only 10 mins for the drinks to come and around 20 mins for the food. The nojito came into our table and we tasted it. It was refreshing, the kiwi was not too sour and the juice was not too sweet either. They gave a lot of kiwi slices so I like it very much. 

 Then my cuddles on the beach have arrived in such a beautiful glass. From the appearance, it looked like they only give a small amount of fruit and its juice but as I drink it, I realized, that was quite a lot of berries in the juice hence I loved it so much. I could come again just to drink this one. 

As we were enjoying capturing photos from many angles, the Gyu Don came and sat gracefully on the table. It looks like this one is quite delicious from its looks. After we took our first spoon of this menu, we felt like it was too blend and needed stronger sauce somewhere. The meat was actually quite chewy. We also thought they used too much spring onions. they could improve it in the future. 

The pan seared chicken with chopped kombu and cream spaghetti had a really strong flavor and taste. The flavor was really good but according to my bff, they’ve gone overboard with the sauce, it was too heavy. Overall, it’s not a bad menu. In the future, I hope they could improve it somehow.

We thought that the deep fried chicken skin with Asian dip could be much less oily and it had to be crispier. They need to give more sauce in order to make this chicken skin more pleasant to eat. 

We ordered Valrhona Chocolate Mousse for the desserts. The gourmet kind of decoration really took our attention. It was really photogenic. This cake was the savior of the day. It was really amazing to taste such a good textured cake. Not too sweet, not too blend either. It’s perfect.

 We could come back for the drinks because it’s refreshing and somewhat affordable compared to the other French restaurants; but not for the food. We thought the food was overpriced, it was not worth it compared to the taste. I hope they could improve the menu somehow in the future. 

 We also captured a few photos of the beautiful EIO. I love the interior design of Sainé Daise Bistro and EIO. Totally luxurious.

Tanggal kunjungan: 20 Januari 2019
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Indra Mulia

Alfa 2022

2518 Review

Level 20

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Great dinner

Ini kedatangan ke-3 saya ke sini, demi memuaskan hasrat memakan Gyudon. Why? Gyudon buatan Saine Daise ini salah satu yg terbhaiq yg pernah saya makan.
1. Cuddle on the Beach: mocktail ini campuran dari berry, rasanya sedikit asam dan manis.
2. Saine Daise Signature Umami Bowl: ukurannya ga besar, nasinya juga ga banyak, tapi ini enak. bagian luarnya keju cheddar yg dilelehkan, jadi agak bau gosong.
3. Gyudon: ini the best pokoknya. daging wagyu MB5+ juaraaaa, so juicy, nasinya dari Jepang pulen banget.
4. Earl Grey: tehnya memakai merk Jing. cepat pekat dan harum banget.
Servicenya bagus, ambience juga nyaman, interiornya terlihat berkelas.

IG: mrindramulia

Menu yang dipesan: Earl Grey, Cuddles on the beach, Saine Daise Signature Umami Bowl, Gyudon, Char Grilled Wagyu MB5+, Japanese Rice, Chives, Onsen Tamago

Tanggal kunjungan: 16 Januari 2019
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Eat Bite Snap

Alfa 2018

308 Review

Level 12

Kopi Pasta Dessert


1st impression: Good place - good food - good mood

Saine Daise adalah salah satu tempat makan yang instagenic di PIK, bener-bener classy banget deh. Untuk spacenya emang tidak besar, tapi cozy banget dan berkelas. 

Ini makanan yang aku pesen disana:

 1. Fresh black ink pasta with live blue swimmer crab: Crabnya fresh, pas digigit empuk dan gak amis, ada hint of sweetness. Pastanya juga dibuat dari black ink cumi-cumi dan dimasak secara al-dente, kenyal2 gitu. Sausnya sendiri ala aglio olio, jadi bener-bener light tapi gurih. 

2. Gyudon: Nah ini guys jawaranya. Daging sapi wagyu MB 5+ yang dimasak sampai dengan level medium-rare, pas digigit tender banget dan empuk. Aku suka banget! Ditambah dengan truffle oil dan onsen egg yang dimasak dengan sempurna, me like it! 

3. Cuddles on the beach: Ini mocktail yang seger banget rasanya, dibuat dari campuran buah2 beries dan peach yang seger, asem manis and definitely refreshing. 

4. Creamless mushroom soup with truffle oil & parma ham: Ini appetizer aku, enak loh soupnya, apalagi kalo kamu pencinta truffle - puas banget deh karena rasa trufflenya cukup dominan. Parma hamnya juga enak, sayangnya kurang banyak.

  5. Yuzu cremeux with almond sable: Ini pudding dengan rasa vanilla-almond yang lembut dan disiram dengan yuzu cremeux yang manis dan menyegarkan, sukak banget sama yuzunya!

Tanggal kunjungan: 06 September 2018
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.


Baru tau ada menu baru

Hello food lovers! Balik lagi ke Saine Daise karena ada acara. Tempatnya kecil, di lantai 2 nya EIO Patisserie. Tempatnya biasa utk bridal dan baby shower atau event lainnya karena terang dan bagus buat foto. Kali ini gw cobain Truffle pasta dan Aglio Olio nya. Ada menu2 baru yg belum gw coba karena udah 1 thn ga ke sini.
1. Angel hair black truffle: aroma trufflenya enak dan rasanya juga mayhan enak, tp kurang greget dan cendrung datar rasanya
2. Aglio olio pasta with prawn: prawnnya menggiurkan karena besar2 dan ada 4 pcs. Aglio olionya gw minta spicy dan emang pedes. Aroma pan fried garlicnya OK, rasnaya juga enak.
Overall, menurut gw makanan di sini enak tp cendrung pricey dgn porsinya yg sedikit. Gw ga pernah kenyang makan di sini.
Selamat mencoba!

Tanggal kunjungan: 26 Agustus 2018
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

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