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507 Review | 183 Makasih
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Steak Ramen Chinese Food Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Burger Dessert Bubble Tea
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  • 3.4  
    Japanese Takoyaki Yamatoya [ BSD, Jepang ]


    Tried their takoyaki, the portion is okay, the mixture is thick and delicious, so that even though it's only few medium sized balls, you could be quite satisfied. Most important of all, it wasn't smelly at all. The seafood tasted nice and in not so stingy amount at all.  

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.4  
    Secret Recipe [ Karawaci, Kafe ]

    Chocolat cake!

    My bf suddenly have a craving of chocolate cake, so we went here. We ordered their layered chocolate cake and an ice lychee tea. The cake was smooth and thick, the chocolate and vanilla blend quite beautifully in every layer, and on top, the glaze of dark chocolate covered them all. Quite delicious, since the opposite of chocolate and vanilla actually made this cake quite delightful and fun. The lychee ice tea was nice as well. Sweet and refreshing.

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.4  
    Karei-Ya [ Karawaci, Jepang ]

    Cute Curry, delicious Mushroom soup!

    It's been ages since the last time I ate here. Dulu, says inget banget seeing kesini, bukan cuma karena curry or pastanya, tapi karena mushroom soup nya. Yeah, you read it right. The soup. Jadi waktu terakhir says kesini, I couldn't wait to relive the memory of those tasty soup! Kami mesen chicken cutlet, which is really cute karena semarang mereka atasnya dikasih hiasan2 gitu pakai telur dan seaweed. Buat rasa ya not bad ya. Currynya lumayan, walau rempahnya gak terlalu berasa, nasinya empuk dan pulen.

    Kami juga pesan ramen burgernya. Rasanya not bad. Tapi nasinya menurut saya kurang sticky, sudah agak sedikit keras. Mushroom soup. Ini enak! mushroomnya betul2 kerasa (mushroomnya banyak dan diblender sampe warna soupnya jadi abu2, not white) creamy, asinnya pas, thick and bold dan wangi. Yum! Terakhir, minumannya juga cukup unik, on top of the glass, ada bottle lagi, jadi porsinya bs untuk berdua dan karena tekanan, airnya jadi autorefill.

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 3.2  
    The Holy Crab Shack [ Alam Sutera, Barat ]

    Belepetan tapi seruu

    Kami pesen beberapa menu disini seperti crawfish, crab, dll dengan saus original cajun sama garlic pepper. Crabnya sendiri enak, dan lumayan lembut. Saosnya juga pas, yang garlic pepper mungkin lebih tasty dibanding original cajun yang cenderung lebih ke manis. Crawfishnya sih agak lebih susah dan kecil2 ya dagingnya. Disini kentang gorengnya enak dan tasty btw. Bukan seperti kentang goreng biasa, mereka udah fry lalu ditaburi sama bumbu yang melimpah jadi super tasty. Disini makannya juga unik karena kita makan di meja yang sudah diplastikin, lalu kita juga diberi napkin yang bisa diiket supaya ga berantakan makannya :p  

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.4  
    Island Creamery [ Alam Sutera, Dessert ]

    Healthy Calories

    Abis makan seafood, kami mampir kesini buat ngedessert. Saya nyobain monkey business, smoothie yang terdiri dari campuran coklat, es krim, dan pisang, dihiasi pretzel crisp disampingnya. Ini sih porsinya hugeee, dan kalau diminum sendiri udah pasti kenyang atau eneg. Rasanya thick dan pisangnya lumayan terasa dan blend pretty weel tih the chocolate. Gak overpower. Dan yang saya lumayan impressed sih ini rasanya gak kemanisan! Biasa kalau minum smoothie, selalu gulanya banyak atau ga ya es krimnya yang banyak, jadi mau gak mau rasanya pasti manis. But kuddos for this one :)

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.6  
    Mujigae [ Gading Serpong, Korea ]


    Kali ini saya pesan bimbibapnya. Waktu itu sih lagi laper banget ya, jadi waktu makanannya dateng, lumayan napsu makannya :p Bimbibapnya porsinya lumayan banyak, sausnya juga enak dan varian sayur diatasnya lumayan. Saya pribadi sih suka ya sama bimbibap, dulu honestly gak terlalu tapi lama2 makin suka :p Sausnya tasty dan campuran nasi dengan sayur2annya uenaaakk. Kenyang3!

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.0  
    Uchino Shokudo [ BSD, Jepang ]

    Great food, good value

    I was here on a Saturday night, and this place was just packed with people. We queued for a while (approx 10-15min) before being seated. The decorations were quite authentic.

    We tried their minced katsu with curry and sweet & sour chicken potato. The portion was quite big and generous. The wood plating was really nice as well. Their katsu was crunchy and delicious, sweet and sour chicken was yummy and tender, and one of the highlight of today meal was certainly the miso soup! It was so fragrant and so unique. They put oyster in it so it could taste like a thick, aromatic seafood miso soup. So much for the authenticity. Although the place was packed with crowd, our food was served in an acceptable serving time.

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 3.6  
    Sate Mak Syukur [ Alam Sutera, Indonesia ]

    Nyate Padang

    Sate Mak Syukur terkenal sama sate padangnya. Saya akhirnya selain beli sate padang, nyobain sotonya juga karena penasaran. Sate padangnya enak, empuk, porsinya biasa aja dan kalau lagi lapar pasti kurang kenyang. Sausnya sendiri pedasnya pas, bau rempahnya berasa dan kentalnya juga pas buat saya. Sotonya, not bad actually. Sotonya kuah kuning. Bumbunya cukup berasa walau ga sampe medok banget, bihun dan ayamnya ga terlalu banyak. Jangan lupa pake jeruk nipis biar makin enak kalau pesan sotonya :) lime is a must.

    Menu yang dipesan: Sate, Soto

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 3.8  
    Quiznos [ Karawaci, Barat ]


    It's been quite a while for me not eating Quiznos. This sub was quite popular in USA and was one of my almost everyday choice when we ran out ideas to find a place to eat. So I was so thrilled to hear that it opened near my very home :D We ordered:

    - Zesty Steak Combo 80k
    Rosemary parmesan for the bread, filled with onions, mushroom, steak, mozzarella and cheddar cheese. The bread was just amazing. So fragrant, and although it's not a soft bread, it was so pleasant to eat especially when you bite its nice crisp crumbs on the outer part of the bread. The inside was juicy and tasty, the mushroom and steak was in enough amount.
    - The Traditional Pizza 50k
    Their pizza was in an appropriate size for one. Not too small nor large. Enough to make you full but not from an empty stomach. The dough was okay, the toppings were quite generous, and their olives were not too dry or too oily. Tasty enough.

    The place was quite convenient, the furniture was okay and neat, and the space was quite enough.

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 3.8  
    Haengbok [ Gading Serpong, Korea ]

    Uniknya ada 8 rasa!

    Beberapa hari yang lalu kami nyobain korean BBQ ayce yg masih promo di gading serpong. Harga 99k plus ppn belum termasuk minum. Udah jam 8an masih ramai pengunjung.

    Kami pesan lumayan banyak disini. Awalnya kamu nyobain daging sapi tipisnya. Rasanya enak, empuknya pas dan bumbu yang disediakan juga enak! Setelah itu kami nyobain ramyun nya. Yang kuah dan yang goreng. Yang kuahnya not bad, yang goreng seperti samyang cuma saosnya dicampur. Mienya sendiri menurut saya agak kelembekan. Next, yang menurut saya paling unik adalah daging babi 8 rasa. Rasa2nya sendiri fussion, dan menurut saya yang paling enak adalah rasa garlic dan herb nya :9. Setelah itu kami juga pesen japchae. My least favorite kalo yang satu ini. Soalnya terlalu manis, terasanya seperti kecap manis, dan terlalu slimy juga. Untuk tesktur daging, my fav goes to yang satu ini. Namanya lupa sih apa, pokoknya daging babi (yg bentuknya bulat). Enyak enyak enyak.

    Tempatnya not bad sih, ac nya kenceng banget walau kalau rame ya gak dingin juga. Pelayanan juga lumayan karena mereka cukup sigap mengganti tempat masakan kalo udah terlalu hitam ataupun gantiin sumpit yang jatuh (again :p). Not bad at all.

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    3 pembaca berterima kasih.