Amuz  [ Perancis ]
4.45 15 review


[ Perancis ]
4.45 15 review
Harga : rasa

Energy Building, Lantai 2
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53, SCBD, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan

Belum Buka - Selasa (11:30 - 14:30, 17:30 - 22:00) 021 2505064

021 2505064

Belum Buka Senin - Sabtu (11:30 - 14:30, 17:30 - 22:00), Minggu Tutup

Di atas Rp. 200.000 /orang

Amuz [ SCBD ]

  • Tipe KulinerPerancis
  • Jam Buka
    Belum Buka
  • Stasiun MRT/LRT Terdekat Istora - Keluar D
    duration 10 menit

    Senayan - Keluar D
    duration 6 menit

  • Website
  • PembayaranTunai, Visa, Master, Debet


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Amuz

Foto Profil Carissa Prawiro

5 Review

Level 1

No Badge


Bday dinner

Pertama x cobain dsini
Berasa banget konsepnya fine dining and private bngt
Tempatnya emng tdk terlalu besar tapi berasa exclusive bngt
Buat kamu yg mau ksini better rsvd dl ya
Resto ini cocok bngt buat klo bday or valentine day
Makanannya semua enak apa lagi compliment rotinya the best

Tanggal kunjungan: 18 Februari 2023
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
3 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil @fuzzy.eats

153 Review

Level 9

Steak Pasta Dessert



Well established french restaurant in Jakarta with nice quiet ambiance. They occasionally have different tasting menus for dinner, but this time I tried their lunch set.
Taste 7.5/10
Service and Ambiance 8/10
Price $$$
🐈‍⬛Will revisit

Lunch Set - Quartre Cours (2pax - 400k each)
Le Champignon au Gratin (7/10)
Baked portobello mushroom with beef pastrami, watercress, and walnut salad. Portobello had a nice meatiness that was complemented by the pastrami and cheese. The crusty top part was really nic😆.

Les Escargots a la Bourguignonne (6.5/10)
Snails in shell baked in garlic herb butter on toasted walnut bread. Removing the shell was such a hassle hahaha. Smells very buttery but personally would prefer some citrus to cut through the richness.

La Salade au Thon Rouge (8/10)
Rare seared sashimi grade tuna carpaccio, baby romaine, aioli dressing, parmesan chips and cherry tomato. This one had such nice plating. Perfectly seared fresh tuna with nice sides of salad. Like how they incorporate all the different textures from the crunchy chips and lettuce against creamy dressing.

Le Filet de Dorada Rose (7/10)
Pan fried red snapper fillet, couscous semolina, confit cherry tomatoes & paprika jus. The confit and jus were perfectly caramelised and resulted in a delightful sweet sauce that works well with the snapper. Not a fan of couscous so would have preferred other grain/sides.

Le Steak Frites (7/10)
Grilled black angus grain fed beef sirloin french fries, mesclun lettuce with marchand de vin sauce. Since it’s sirloin cut, I expected the thick fatty layer on the sides🤧. Regardless of my preference for leaner cut, this was actually good, cooked perfectly to rare and quite easy to bite into while having sone meatiness to it.

L’Assiette de Fromage (7/10)
Assorted french cheeses, we got comte, roquefort, brie, and emmental. Enjoyed this as a cheese fan myself, but probably don’t order this unless you like pungent cheese and don’t mind some weird texture cheese.

Le Delice au Caramel (7.5/10)
Caramel mousse, freshly baked caramel mudcake, and homemade french raspberry sorbet. Just your usual mudcake, but appreciate how they incorporate other components (berries, sorbet) because caramel dessert can be one note and just sickeningly sweet. Caramel had some nice saltiness that counteracts the sweetness, and sorbet was a good balance if sweet-sour

Le Feuillete Frangipane (8/10)
Freshly baked crisp almond cream pastry puff, roasted pineapple, and pineapple sorbet. Prefer this over the mud cake as the pineapple gave it a refreshing twist. Also like the contrast between the crunchy puff and almond cream.

Tanggal kunjungan: 11 September 2022
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
3 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Kevin Suryadi

244 Review

Level 11

Kopi Bakmi Pasta Burger Dessert


One of the best fine dining experience i ever had

Salah satu pengalaman terbaik untuk menikmati fine dining untuk anniversary..
Pihak restoran sangat proaktif saat menerima booking dari saya. Saat mengetahui tujuan booking utk anniversary, pihak resto sudah langsung mempersiapkan table saya dengan rose petals..

Saya memesan menu rekomendasi resto yang turns out rasanya sangat wah:
1. Pan seared duck liver foei gras
Duck liver yang disajikan dengan roasted pistachio & strawberry pepper sorbet yang disajikan dengan saus cherry. Sebagai makanan pembuka, rasanya sangat oke dan tidak terasa amis sama sekali.

2. Angel hair pasta in light truffle cream sauce and shaved black summer truffles
Jujur.. ini pasta terenak yang pernah gw makan..
Light cream sauce nya gak bikin eneg sama sekali.. potongan trufflenya pun cukup generous in my opinion.. ini menu yang wajib dicoba.

3. Grilled kiwami purebred wagyu beef rib eye 280gr
Dipanggang sesuai kematangan yang saya order yaitu medium well.. disajikan dengan fries dan salad yang sama2 yummy.. carrot puree nya itu rasanya cheesy sekali, cocok dimakan sama friesnya..
Kualitas dagingnya bagus dan rasanya perfect.

4. Complimentary chocolate cake
Ini salah satu alasan kenapa saya blg resto sangat proaktif. Diakhir makan siang kami, kami diberikan chocolate cake dengan ucapan happy anniversarry yang bisa dinikmati langsung atau take away.

Overall, gw sangat sangat merekomendasikan resto ini. Pelayanan sangat ramah, makanan sangat oke, dan sangat higienis..
Gw sarankan utk kalian yang mau coba utk book saat lunch time utk menghindari keramaian sehingga jauh dr covid dan dapat level romantis yang maksimal.
Total spending around 2jt+ and worth every penny spent! I am giving solid 5 for this restaurant.

Menu yang dipesan: Complimentary Chocolate Cake, Grilled Kiwami Purebred Wagyu 9+ Beef Rib-Eye 280gr, Pan-seared Duck Liver Foei Gras, Angel Hair Pasta In Light Truffle Cream Sauce W Shaved Black Summer Truffle

Tanggal kunjungan: 22 Januari 2022
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
4 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil auroradiary19

Alfa 2020

419 Review

Level 13

Steak Chinese Food BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Amazing and Exquisite Dining Experience

AMUZ is one of the best romantic fine dine restaurant and I've been waited for a really long time to dine here but the price is.... hahahah but because today is my big sister's birthday so she treat me lunch in here (she's so kind). Can't wait to taste it because lots of great review about this place!
When I first enter the place, absolutely could tell that this place is high-end - elegant - exquisite dining experience and I'm perfectly sure that the dish will look stunning and delicious as well. Their services was outstanding, they explain their favorite dishes well - each and every components, so if we have dietary restrictions - they could manage it. Oh and please noted this! Baby sitters are not allowed (makesense!), no slippers or short pants allowed.
Next we move to the dishes. So, we ordered 2 pax of trois cours - you could choose each 1 appetizer, main course and dessert. And I ordered a bottle of sparkling water to clean up my palate.
'Welcoming' bread: Simple one but each of the bread taste great. So, it consists of wholewheat bread, sourdough bread, small baguette and ciabatta with cold butter. I personally love their ciabatta compare to other bread because the smell and taste is sooo good! (9/10)

1st appetizer: Le Tartare de Thon - yellow finn tuna tartar with crisp prawn cracker, roasted black sesame seed and lemon olive oil dressing. OMG totally fall in love with their fresh tuna, it seasoned well and not too much of lemon olive oil. What a great start! (10/10)

2nd appetizer: Les Escargots a la Bourguignonne - snails baked in fresh garlic herb butter on toasted walnut bread. Another great dish. I'm a fan of escargot so I know it will be great, but the tricky one is that walnut bread - not much restaurant could make a great one, yet this place could do it! I thought that bread is the helper for overall dish! (8/10)

1st maincourse: Le Risotto de Fruits de Mer Milanaise - seafood risotto milanese with prawn, snapper, squid and new zealand mussel. That saffron risotto is amazing and smell great! A little bit salty but their seafood is superb fresh and seasoned well! (8/10)

2nd maincourse: Le Steak Frites - grilled black angus grain fed beef sirloin with french fries, mesclun lettuce and marchand de vin sauce. That beef is extremely great, chewy and cooked perfectly. That wine sauce taste unique but great which is an extra point to that great beef. Plate of happiness I could say. With that big portion, PERFECT! (10/10)

For the dessert, I'm not a cheese fan so I ordered:

1st dessert: La Tarte aux Peches - peach flan tarte with lemon sorbet, almond chiboust and caramelized peach. Plate of heaven, all the elements taste great but when you mix it together - numero uno! Sour, sweet with extra kick from almond - YASSS! (10/10)

2nd dessert: Le Cremeux au Cafe Jivara - coffee cremeux, chocolate hazelnut praline mousse, caramelized banana and banana rum sorbet. This one taste great as well. But I've already eat all that bold main and appetizer so it's too bold for me. So, I do exchange with my sister for the dessert (9/10)

The first time you come you would think 350 is crazily expensive for 3 small courses but after you finish it, I think it's still okay because they use premium ingredients and lots of sauce combination to make it. And btw, the portion is quite big for me. So, overall it's a memorable dining experience for me 

Menu yang dipesan: Le Tartare de Thon, Les Escargots a la Bourguignonne, Le Risotto de Fruits de Mer Milanaise, La Tarte aux Peches, Le Steak Frites, Le Cremeux au Cafe Jivara, ciabatta bread, Welcoming bread

Tanggal kunjungan: 20 Desember 2019
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Darsehsri

Alfa 2023

3403 Review

Level 24

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


French Fine Dining

Duck Liver Foie Gras, ini pesanan teman saya, kelihatan dan menurut dia sangat enak, so authentic, tapi sayang sekali perut saya sudah full.

Menu terakhir adalah dessert, tadinya mau pesan yang manis tapi malah tertarik sama dessert asin andalan Amuz. Yup, Camembert, Brie, Comte, Blue served with traditional accompaniments. Meski porsinya terlihat sedikit, tapi keju keju asli dari perancis ini jujur ngga bisa saya habiskan sampai tuntas. Rotinya sendiri sudah sangat mengenyangkan dan enak, cheesenya lembut dan aromatic, pecinta keju harus banget cobain menu satu ini.

Tanggal kunjungan: 24 Juni 2019
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Darsehsri

Alfa 2023

3403 Review

Level 24

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


French Fine Dining

Reservasi sehari sebelumnya untuk makan siang disini berdua teman, ternyata suasana ngga seramai yang saya duga, jadi acara makan siang pun sangat nyaman.

Interior Amuz terkesan lux, warm and cozy. Furniture berkelas juga tertata sempurna, alunan musiknya halus, sudah pasti playlist musik perancis. Lampu kristal menggantung sepanjang dining area, jarak dining area juga tidak jauh dari open kitchen dan wine room. Staff ramah dan membantu, mendekati sempurna.

Satu bucket complimentary bread tersaji hangat, lengkap dengan butter dan olive oil. Ngga lama tersaji mini cheese croissant lembut dan buttery, super yummy.

Saya pesan Lunch Set Menu (350k) dan Still Water(95k). Sementara teman saya pesan Foie Grass (295k) dan White Wine (235k).

Lunch pilih four courses dan porsinya cukup untuk sharinf. Dua starters, satu main course dan satu dessert, terbilang ramah dikantong untuk lunch yang super yummy.

Starters dimulai dengan Smoked Salmon, Jeruk Kunci Cream Cheese in Ciabatta bread. Salad dengan sayuran fresh, dressingnya segar tapi tetap ada rasa creamnya, shallot menambah aroma wangi, salmonnya segar dan ciabatta breadnya enak, tipis sekali, renyah dan gurih.

Escargot tersaji dengan based walnut bread hangat, snailnya lembut, aroma garlic dan herb butternya cukup strong, oily, ini termasuk salah satu escargot terenak di jakarta yang pernah saya nikmati.

Masuk ke main course, Steak Frites, black angus beef sirloin porsinya cukup banyak. Dagingnya lembut, tersaji dengan french fries hangat dan sedikit asin.

Duck Liver Foie Gras, ini pesanan teman saya, kelihatan dan menurut dia sangat enak, so authentic, tapi sayang sekali perut saya sudah full.

Menu terakhir adalah dessert, tadinya mau pesan yang manis tapi malah tertarik sama dessert asin andalan Amuz. Yup, Camembert, Brie, Comte, Blue served with traditional accompaniments. Meski porsinya terlihat sedikit, tapi keju keju asli dari perancis ini jujur ngga bisa saya habiskan sampai tuntas. Rotinya sendiri sudah sangat mengenyangkan dan enak, cheesenya lembut dan aromatic, pecinta keju harus banget cobain menu satu ini.

Tanggal kunjungan: 24 Juni 2019
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil ig: @andriselly

Alfa 2021

930 Review

Level 17

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


French cuisine fine dining

Chic Parisian interior, romantic ambiance, great service, perfect presentation & impeccable taste. You can get all of these in one place: AMUZ

Led by Chef Gilles, you can have a unique fine dining experience.
Let me share with you what I had for dinner the other day:

Unique, one of a kind presentation. A perfect starter to enhance appetite. Creamy, crunchy & tasty

A perfect combination of tender & juicy Japanese Wagyu with roasted herb bone marrow, carrot puree & Bordelaise Jus. An outstanding dish which u can expect flavourful mixture of savory & sweet

Heavenly dessert made of Arabica Kahlua Ganache topped with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream.

The entire dining experience was pleasant and unforgetable. I will definitely come back for other dishes and recommend this place to all of you

Tanggal kunjungan: 10 Mei 2019
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil IG: FOODIOZ

Alfa 2018

633 Review

Level 14

Steak Chinese Food Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Good FRance 2019

IG: Foodioz

Di Good France 2019 ini, seperti biasa Amuz Gourmet menawarkan sensasi menikmati set menu. Hal yang menyenangkan ketika kami berkesempatan menghadiri preview dinner disini bersama dengan para media Jakarta. Tidak lain, Gilles Marx adalah chef handal di belakang restoran ini. Beliau menjadi salah satu chef favorit yang kami kagumi di Indonesia.

Di acara Good France ini, Amuz Gourmet menawarkan set menu terdiri dari 6 hidangan termasuk amuse bouche dan dessert. Sesuai dengan Prancis, set menu dimulai amuse bouche, hidangan kecil yang biasanya indentik dengan satu kali gigitan. Gougere (puff Perancis) dan mushroom truffle soup menjadi kombinasi yang sangat pas. Keduanya memiliki aroma harum yang berbeda, tekstur gougere yang empuk dan aroma cheese menggoda dinikmati bersama dengan soup yang tentu menggoyang lidah. Bagi pecintra truffle, ini sungguh hidangan yang membuat ketagihan.

Selengkapnya di

Tanggal kunjungan: 28 Maret 2019
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Edwin Lim (IG : @edwinlim_97)

Alfa 2019

118 Review

Level 9



Romantic and Elegant French Fine DIning

Known as the fanciest fine dining in Jakarta that specialized in Contemporary French Cuisine. Helmed by Chef Gilles Marx, AMUZ has won a lot of achievement from both local and international awards.

I've been waited and planned to dine here a long time ago, and finally I decided to visit AMUZ while celebrating my birthday also. The services was very good which the waiter and waitress greeted with a smile and they did explain the dishes served so we could understand what component does the dish had.

Ordered 2 package of 6 course degustation menu and 2 bottle of Still Water. The menu will be described below :

- Welcome bread (9/10): a warm freshly baked bread consisted of Ciabatta, Wholewheat bread, Mini baguette, and 2 slice of Sourdough bread served with cold butter and olive oil. The ciabatta was so soft that make me feels like I'm eating a chinese bun. The croissant was so crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Dipped with olive oil and spread with butter...perfect.

- Amuse Bouche Mushroom Cappuccino (9/10) : a small cup of warm mushroom soup served with cheese gougere. A light and tasty dish for elevate my appetite.

- Appetizer 1 Seared Large White Asparagus (6/10) : a combination of white asparagus, hollandaise sauce, truffle jus, and poached egg. White asparagus was sweet and delicate, with a little bitter aftertaste. But the combination doesn't really suit me. But it's still good enough.

- Appetizer 2a Freshly Shaved Black Summer Truffle (9/10) : shaved black summer truffle on the top of angel hair pasta in light cream. The cream was light enough and the truffle aroma doesn't overpowered the dish. Combined with Angel Hair Pasta, an amazing combination.

- Appetizer 2b Pan Seared Duck Liver Foie Gras (10/10) : this dish was outstanding! I've never liked Foie Gras before because of it's weird taste. But in the hand of Chef Gilles, this foie gras turned out to be a masterpiece. Foie gras combined with orange sorbet and orange skin, I doubted it for the first time, but once I tasted it, it tasted amazing. The cold orange sorbet eliminated the weird taste of foie gras, and the texture of foie gras which melts into your mouth, so perfect.

- Main Course 1 Baked Pacific Coral Grouper Fillet (9/10) : pan fried fish fillet served with lemon froth, echalote au bouillon, lemon confit vinaigrette, and sun dried tomato. Fish was so fresh and delicate, the combination with lemon sauce made it super tasty.

- Main Course 2 Grilled Black Angus Grain Fed Beef Sirloin (7/10) : grilled black angus sirloin served with mashed potato, spring vegetable, and bordelaise sauce. The meat is a little bit chewy as it is a black angus. Mashed potato and bordelaise sauce tasted good, but the spring vegetable is lacking of flavor and it got a little cut of radish on it which I don't really like.

- Pre Dessert Yoghurt Cream (9/10) : a frozen yoghurt served with clotted cream, strawberry coulis, and fresh strawberry. A light dessert to clean my palette, a very good combination of sour from yoghurt and sweet from cream.

- Dessert 1 Classic Valrhona Chocolate Souffle (9/10) : a warm chocolate souffle with 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream. Souffle was so soft and delicious at the same time. Beautiful.

- Dessert 2 Light Coconut Cream Mousse (10/10) : the best presentation so far, served with mango jelly, mango salsa, and tuile. This dessert was probably the best I've tasted so far. It was so soft and creamy with mango and coconut flavor, with a crunch of crispy tuile on top of it. So good, so beautiful, so perfect.

- Complimentary Birthday Cake : since I was on birthday I was given a complimentary chocolate birthday cake from AMUZ. But since I'd been so full, I decided to take it home. But I sill haven't got my time to try it, so it is still kept inside the fridge now.

Overall it was an amazing experience. The food was outstanding, the service was great, and finally I could meet Chef Gilles himself. He is so kind and allowed me to take a picture with him and gave his autograph to me. Wow I was so happy that night. I definitely will come again to AMUZ to try the other signature dishes by Chef Gilles especially the Grilled Wagyu Tenderloin 9+ in Cabernet Barrel Oak Fog.

Tanggal kunjungan: 08 Juni 2018
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil IG: FOODIOZ

Alfa 2018

633 Review

Level 14

Steak Chinese Food Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Best French Restaurant in Town


Restoran Perancis terbaik di Jakarta memang pantas untuk menyebut Amuz Gourmet Jakarta. Restoran fine dining dengan interior super elegan dan atmosfer yang aksklusif. Terletak di kawasan Jakarta Pusat, dengan ruang yang cukup luas, interior dominan berwarna gelap dan sungguh cantik. Di akhir pekan, pengunjung dapat menikmati Sunday set menu yang menarik dengan varian kuliner khas Perancis.

Menu pembuka yang aku coba pertama yaitu Escargot a la Bourguignonne, escargot yang diolah bersama dengan cangkangnya, dengan aroma bawang putih dan herb-butter, disajikan di atas walnut bread yang garing dan gurih. Ada pula hidangan starter, Open Pulled Duck Leg Cannelloni, olahan daging bebek yang dibungkus di dalam cannelloni pasta, lalu disajikan bersama dengan saus tomat dan parmesan tuille yang memberikan cita rasa nikmat.

Setelah appetizer, tiba saatnya untuk menu utama yang cocok sekali dipadukan dengan white atau red wine. Salah satu menu yang menggoyang lidah yaitu Steak Frites: Grilled Black Angus Grain Fed Beef Sirloin. Hidangan steak dengan ukuran yang cukup besar disajikan bersama dengan salad dan kentang goreng. Aroma steak yang harum dipadu dengan Marchand de Vin Sauce.

Selengkapnya di

Tanggal kunjungan: 05 Mei 2018
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

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