Altitude Grill  [ Barat ]
4.35 12 review

Altitude Grill

[ Barat ]
4.35 12 review
Harga : rasa

Altitude The Plaza, Lantai 46
Jl. MH Thamrin Kav. 28 - 30, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat

Belum Buka - Selasa (12:00 - 21:00) 021 29922448, 081996774646

021 29922448, 081996774646

Belum Buka Senin - Minggu (12:00 - 21:00)

Di atas Rp. 200.000 /orang

Altitude Grill [ Thamrin ]

  • Tipe KulinerBarat
  • Jam Buka
    Belum Buka
  • Stasiun MRT/LRT Terdekat Dukuh Atas - Keluar E
    duration 13 menit

    Bundaran HI - Keluar B
    duration 2 menit

  • PembayaranTunai, Visa, Master, Debet


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Review dari pengunjung untuk Altitude Grill

Foto Profil Jowy  Kanna

1 Review

Level 0

No Badge


Unprofessional & Not Friendly Staff

Spending more than 2 million+ for bad experience. Bad Team, Bad Receptionist, Bad Waiters.

i'm waiting so long for food

Menu yang dipesan: Dinner Menu

Tanggal kunjungan: 24 Desember 2024
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Priskila Cynthia

1 Review

Level 1

No Badge


Fine Dining dengan pemandangan Bunderan HI

Altitude Grill dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk fine dining.
Ambiencenya sangat mendukung, pelayanannya juga sangat baik. Semua pelayanan di layani dengan baik.
Untuk makanan juga tak di ragukan. Menu yang kami order adalah:
1. US Prime Short Ribs - dagingnya lembut dan rasanya tak perlu di ragukan
2. Chicken Wellington - awalnya skeptis dengan menu ini, tapi semua rasanya sangat enak. Even dagingnya sangat lembut. Semua rasanya di luar ekspetasi
3. Sparkling Wine - mereka dapat merekomendasikan wine yang sesuai dengan selera kita.

Nilai plus dari Altitude Grill kita di kasih satu botol air putih.

Super recomended dan gak akan ragu untuk kembali lagi.

Menu yang dipesan: Sparkling Wine, Chicken Wellington, us prime short ribs

Tanggal kunjungan: 31 Oktober 2022
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
3 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Michelle Xu

65 Review

Level 7




Maaf buat rasaa menurutku kurang, di tambah dengan pelayannya kurang menyenakan

Tanggal kunjungan: 13 September 2019
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Marisa Aryani

Alfa 2020

1008 Review

Level 15

Steak Ramen Seafood BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Altitude Grill

I came to Altitude for the second time. Take a look at their signature foods, I had USDA All American Sirloin Steak that consisted of vegetables and mushroom sauce. The combination of these 3 at once was an orgasm on the mouth. Beside that, the beef was so tender. Also Salad was wonderful. I seriously had a great experience at Altitude.

Tanggal kunjungan: 01 April 2019
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Juliani Fong

23 Review

Level 4

No Badge


With Husband

Lunch bersama suami di altitude grill, bisa melihat pemandangan bunderan HI dan ditemani alunan musik klasik yang membuat makan menjadi romantis. Pelayan nya pun cantik, dressed well. Makanannya super memuaskan, harga nya worth it dengan semua yang di suguhkan untuk kami.

Menu yang dipesan: ribeye, Crispy Pork Belly

Tanggal kunjungan: 31 Maret 2018
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
4 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Placetogoandeat ID

Alfa 2023

4354 Review

Level 25

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Nice steakhouse

Rebranding from salt and grill to alltitude grill, dengan merubah konsepnya menjadi modern steak house. Lokasinya masih sama di the plaza lantai 46, dengan city view yang keren, hanya saja interiornya menjadi lebih minimalis. Ambiencenya menjadi lebih casual dibanding sebelumnya tapi tetap warm and cozy, apalagi kalau menjelang malam, dengan dim lighting dan city view yang dihiasi dengan lampu2, membuat ambiencenya menjadi romantic. 
Kebetulan waktu gw dan teman-teman kesana ada chefnya yang dari singapore, beliau menerangkan tentang menu signaturenya. Sambil menunggu makanan kita datang, kita diberikan compliment roti yang cukup soft dengan rasanya enak juga. Selain itu kita juga pesan beberapa menu yaitu : 

APPETIZER   - grilled watermelon salad (120k) : watermelon ini berbeda dengan watermelon pada umumnya. Watermelon disini dimarinated dengan balsamic vinegar yang sudah berusia 25 taun, kemudian digrill, maka dari itu warna merah watermelon ini bagus sekali seperti tuna. Ditengah watermelonnya ada feta cheese dan arugula yang menambah kenikmatan pada appetizer yang satu ini. 

- scallop filled squid ring (250k) : scallop yang dibungkus dengan squid ring, kemudian diatasnya ada toping crispy pancetta, raspberry bacon jam with a parsley shallot plush. 1 porsi ada 3 pcs, rasanya enak, tasty banget. 

- apple mango prawn cocktail (120k): disajikan di dalam gelas cocktail, ditata dengan sangat cantik sekali. Udangnya besar dan fresh, potongan mangonya juga manis dan fresh, salad applenya enak, ketika dimakan semua bersamaan rasanya unik sekali, sangat menyegarkan.

- tripple cooked wagyu ox tongue (180k): wagyu ox tongue yang dipotong tipis2 dan dimarinated, lalu dimasak hingga 3x. Tidak heran teksturnya sangat tender dan juicy. 

MAIN COURSE - oven baked salted egg hollandaise black cod (250k) : fresh black cod fish dengan potongan yang cukup tebal, dibake dengan salted egg, ikannya soft banget teksturnya, salted egg nya juga light tidak terlalu asin dan tidak amis, disajikan dengan hollandaise sauce dan asparagus. 

- bistecca ala altitudine min 500 gr (250k/100gr) : sher wagyu MBS 8/9 t-bone. Ukurannya besar banget, dan disajikan langsung oleh chefnya, dipotong menjadi kecil2, ini bisa untuk sharing 5 orang deh gede sekali. Dengan tingkat kematangan yang medium well, steak ini terasa sangat juicy and tender. Recommend banget steak ini. 

- picanha 200gr (225k/100gr) : sher wagyu MBS 8/9 rump cap. Ini tingkat kematangan well done, teksturnya juga sama2 tender and juicy, yang ini ukurannya untuk personal. 

Side dish disini terpisah dari main course, jadi harus order lagi dengan additional charge, diantaranya ada whipped potatoes (90k), confit shallots (75k), truffle fries (95k), buttered spiced corn and crisp (75k), buttered broccoli gratin (75k). Semuanya enak terutama yang truffle fries dan buttered spiced corn and crisp, enak banget. 

Dessert disini ada yang paket high tea jadi all you can eat dessert yang disajikan di meja tersendiri dengan display yang sangat cantik. Harganya 150k sudah include coffee/tea. Ada cake, gelato, chocolate fondue, cupcakes, dll. Semuanya enak, terutama kue pie yang atasnya buah, itu enak banget. 

Overall puas banget makan disini, selain makanannya yang enak, tempatnya sangat cozy, servicenya excellent dan untuk harga sangat worth dengan apa yang gw dapet disini. Next time pasti bakal balik lagi kesini. 

Tanggal kunjungan: 10 Desember 2017
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
Makasih Infonya!
2 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil liviacwijaya

507 Review

Level 13

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Seafood Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Yes Please!

Altitude has a real good ambiance, suitable for fine dining. The place is nicely furnished, the lights are dimmed, the waitress are friendly. We tried a few of their dishes.

Grilled Watermelon Salad
Fresh watermelon, served with feta cheese, arugula, and 25-years aged balsamic. The aragula and balsamic sauce accompanied the other dish well.

Scallop Filled Squid Rings
This is one of my favorite appetizer. Love the scallop. It was buttery, bite-able amount, and has enough seasonings. This dish is served with crispy Pancetta, raspberry bacon jam with a parsley shallot plush. The sauce was also amazing!

Apple Mango and Prawn Cocktail
The presentation was pretty, the prawn was enough, and the mango is quite sweet.

Triple Cooked Wagyu Ox Tongue
This is my favorite appetizer! The ox tongue was so tender, it was very well seasoned. They give creamed hazelnut dukkah as sauce, which was so creamy and wonderful.

Main Dish:
Oven Baked Salted Egg Hollandaise Black Cod
The cod was so tender, buttery and not fishy for me. It was accompanied with tasty purple sweet potato and asparagus. Great dish!

Bistecca a la Altitude and Picanha
These dishes were the star of main dish. Both of them were high quality wagyu. One is more juicy, and one is more meaty. Both were so tender and delicious. It is served with various different sides that you can order, such as whipped potatoes, confit shallots, truffle fries, buttered spiced corn and crisp, and buttered broccoli gratin.

Assorted Desserts:
The dessert are in buffet style. They have a lot of variation of dessert, from assorted mini cakes, macaroons, ice cream, muffins, to a nicely baked cakes of many flavors. I tried their baileys cake and it was wonderful! Their ice creams too, are high quality.

Tanggal kunjungan: 02 Desember 2017
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
1 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Anisa Adya @anisaadya

Alfa 2023

2641 Review

Level 20

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Menikmati steak dengan view yang cantik

Menikmati makan malam di Altitude Grill bersama beberapa teman-teman, Ah.. pasti cantik deh pemandangan nya, Jakarta malam hari dari lantai 46 The Plaza. Saya super excited untuk coba menu utama disini! Saat mulai masuk sudah disambut dengan hangat dan ramah oleh waitress nya dan saya dapet meja dengan view langsung ke Bundaran Hi, its a good start.

Sebelum dibukan dengan beberapa appetizer, kami disajikan welcome bread gemesin dengan logo AG lengkap dengan butter, rasanya plain tetapi enak karena tekstur rotinya yang ga keras. Untuk appetizer nya saya mencoba:

- Grilled Watermelon Salad: Awalnya saya pikir ini adalah tuna, ternyata si watermelon yang sudah di olah segimana rupa oleh chef nya dan tetep punya warna yang cantik juga rasa yang enak, dibagian tengah nya ada feta cheese nya so rasanya menurut saya unik banget, appetizer yang wajib dicoba!

- Apple Mango and Prawn Cocktail: Saat disajikan, appetizer ini cantik banget dengan warna mango nya dan disajikan di gelas cocktail, perpaduan mango dan prawn nya asli enak banget, ada rasa segar buah dan gurih udang yang nge-blend jadi satu.

- Tripple cooked wagyu ox tounge: Ini yang terrrr-favorit appetizer untuk saya, rasa dari wagyu dan tounge nya ga terlupa, gimana enggak diolah nya ga biasa, bumbu dan rasa original wagyu dan tounge nya cocok banget di lidah, rekomen!

Masuk ke menu utama dan ada salah satu menu yang di sajikan langsung oleh chef, kami mencoba:
- Bistecca a la Altitudeine: HARUS COBA INI! Chef nya langsung potong-potong di meja kita, ukuran nya besar dan cocok jadi menu sharing, aroma nya itu loh pas di potong udah menggoda banget, tekstur nya juicy dan rasa original dari sher wagyu MBS 8/9 tbone nya tetap terasa di lidah.

- Picanha: Disajikan lebih simple dan tinggal di nikmati aja dengan potongan tidak terlalu tebal, tekstur nya lembut dan juicy banget, bagian yang digunakan yaitu Rump cap sher wagyu MBS 8/9. Istimewa nya tingkat kematangan nya berbeda yaitu medium well dan medium rare so kita bisa merasakan sensasi yang berbeda dalam 1 menu.

- Over Baked Salted Egg Hollandaise Black Cod: Ada yang spesial selain menu daging, untuk menu ikan satu ini wajib dicoba, ikan cod nya lembut banget dan bumbu nya oke banget, disajikan dengan asparagus dan taro hollandaise sauce, rasanya unik! Pengalaman yang menyenangkan..

Dan ga lupa juga, selain steak pastinya kami mencoba side dish nya yang ga kalah berkesan, seperti truffle fries, confit shallots, whipped potatoes, Buttered Broccoli dan Buttered spiced corn. Saya ketagihan banget sama buttered broccoli nya!

Untuk dessertnya, kami menikmati buffet dessert yang di tata cantik di dessert corner, mulai dari cake, pudding sampai ice cream tersedia lengkap disini, saya mencoba ice cream nya yang lembut dan topping nya yang lengkap.

Tanggal kunjungan: 01 Desember 2017
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!

Foto Profil Tissa Kemala

Alfa 2023

2181 Review

Level 19

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea


Great Steakhouse!

Altitude Grill is the newest casual fine dining steakhouse at the plaza 46th floor, and if you are a meat lover you should came to this place and taste their yummy steak selections. Came here with several friends for lunch, and here I will briefly explain several amazing foods that I had;
for appetizers, we had 4 kinds of foods, but one of the is non halal, so I can only explain 3 of em which are;
- Grilled Watermelon Salad (120k) - watermelon with feta cheese topped with aragula and drizzled with 25 years aged balsamic. The taste was super unique, since they grilled the watermelon so the texture of the fruit was unlike any other watermelon, healthy and yummy at the same time. 
- Apple Mango Prawn Cocktail (120k) - slices prawn and mango, dices of apple topped with Japanese mayonnaise brings up the super fresh and nice flavor to start the mains. 
- Triple Cooked Wagyu Ox Tongue (160k) - amazingly tender wagyu ox tongue with several toppings and creamed hazelnut dukkah, this one is my favourite appetizer above all. 
the non halal that my friends had is Scallop Filled Squid Rings which they said taste super yummy as well. 
Came up to the mains, below is main courses that I had:
- Oven Baked Salted Egg Hollandaise Black Cod (250k) - the super moist and fresh black cod fish, along with purple sweet potato puree and salted egg hollandaise sauce, taste super nice and all blends well, I rarely like fish dishes but this one is an exception. 
- Pinancha (225k/ 100gr) - 200grams of Sher Wagyu MBS 8/9 Rump Cap from Victoria Australia, this one is my favourite, taste super yummy, tender and mind blowing, a must try. 
- Bistecca a la Altitudine (250k/ 100gr) - 500grams of Sher Wagyu T-Bone MBS 8/9 from Victoria Australia. the size of the T-Bone is quite big and it is recommended to share up to 3 person, the chef did came to the table to cut the slices, taste super tender and tasty. 
Along with the mains and steak, I also had some of their side dishes which are, Whipped Potato, Confit Shallots, Truffle Fries, Butter Spiced Corn and Crisp, and Butter Broccoli Gratin. my favourite above all is their Truffle Fries, deff the best Truffle Fries I had so far. 
For the dessert I had their Dessert Buffet Selection which cost 150k for AYCE desserts, ice cream, cakes including tea/coffee, they got wide range of desserts selection which every bits of em taste nice, and if you are fancy a tea time and dessert, this one is menu might suits you well. 
Overall, I had a great lunch at Altitude Grill, yummy and tasty food, superb service and a really really nice view of Jakarta from the top of 46th floor, this place is super rec for family casual dining, or perhaps the your upcoming Christmas lunch/dinner. 

Tanggal kunjungan: 23 November 2017
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
3 pembaca berterima kasih.

Foto Profil Andrika Nadia

Alfa 2023

2772 Review

Level 20

Steak Ramen Chinese Food Dimsum Seafood BBQ Pancake Kopi Bakmi Pizza Pasta Sushi Burger Dessert Bubble Tea



The new addition to the 46th floor of Altitude The Plaza, congratulations on the grand opening of Altitude Grill!

Altitude Grill provides casual dining concept with seating capacity of 110 seats. The food is TO DIE FOR, the service is EXCELLENT, and the city view from up here is MESMERIZING!

- Grilled Watermelon Salad (IDR 120,000)
Watermelon filled with Feta Cheese, topped with Arugula, and drizzled with 25 years Aged Balsamic. A unique, healthy, and delicious starter!

- Apple Mango and Prawn Cocktail (IDR 120,000)
A cup of Peeled Prawn, Fresh Sliced Mango, Tobiko, Small Diced Apple with Japanese Mayonnaise, Tobiko, and Parsley. Tasted sweet and sour, super fresh and refreshing!

- Tripled Cooked Wagyu Ox Tongue (IDR 180,000)
Super tender Wagyu Ox Tongue with Nut, Grilled Shallot, Fresh Lime, and Creamed Hazelnut Dukkah. One of the stars of the menu, super deliciousss!

- Oven Baked Salted Egg Hollandaise Black Cod (IDR 250,000)
Oven Baked Black Cod Fish with Salted Egg Hollandaise on top, Mashed Purple Sweet Potato, and Asparagus. Black Cod was tender, white, and delicate, Salted Egg Hollandaise’s texture was like melted Cheese, and Mashed Purple Sweet Potato was fantastic!

- Picanha (IDR 225,000 / 100 gram)
200 grams of Sher Wagyu MBS 8/9 Rump Cap from Victoria, Australia. Tender, juicy, tasty!

- Bistecca a la Altitudine (IDR 250,000 / 100 gram)
500 grams of Sher Wagyu MBS 8/9 T-Bone from Victoria, Australia. The Chef did the live cutting for the guests so we could see the process on how the huge Meat was cut into pieces. No need Sauces or anything else, the taste of the Meat itself was just mindblowing! Definitely the star of the day!

Tried some of the Sides as well, Whipped Potatoes (IDR 90,000), Buttered Spiced Corn and Crisp (IDR 75,000), Buttered Broccoli Gratin (IDR 75,000), and Truffle Fries (IDR 95,000). All were absolutely delicious, but the Truffle Fries was the winner, I could eat one whole basket by myself!

Altitude Grill also provides Buffet of Assorted Desserts for IDR 150,000, Ice Cream, Cakes, Pudding, Chocolate Fountain, Mousse, Tiramisu, and any other sweet treats, you name it, all you can eat, all scrumptious!

I really had a great time dining here, everything was just perfect, one of my A-list restaurants in Jakarta, absolutely recommended!

Tanggal kunjungan: 20 November 2017
Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
Makasih Infonya!
3 pembaca berterima kasih.

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