3.8Sunday Folks [ Fatmawati, Kafe ]
From Singapore To Jakarta 😏
I'm superb excited when I heard that Sunday Folks come to Jakarta. Yeshh that super famous soft serve at Holland, Singapore (super creative and taste amazingly delicious as well). But turns out the overall is not that good! :(
First impression, small but cozy place, love the ambience and great service as well. Tried their ice cream tester, just okay so I just go for their best seller and known for, EARL GREY LAVENDER with almond thins & CEREAL MILK with golden cereal cluster (58K ea.). Frankly speaking, yes it's expensive, esp. for their cereal milk. I found it a little bit off, just too sweet for my liking (6/10)
But that earl grey lavender is two thumbs up. Love it! That undeniable amazing taste, love the combination of lavender and earl grey. But the minus point is just the charcoal cones too soft so it cracks when I started to eat it. Glass to the rescue - mix altogether and you will find the extra crunch from the cones itself! (10/10)
HOMEMADE SUMMER ICED TEA (38K) - iced tea brewed with dried citrus fruits. Omg I'm not a fan, take a sip and give it to my brother. It's like the combination of tea and 'jamu' and I don't like jamu and definitely pricey for me (5/10)Menu yang dipesan: earl grey lavender with almond thins, Ice cream display, coffee brewed, cereal milk with golden cereal cluster, Summer iced tea
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.4Gram Cafe & Pancakes [ Thamrin, Kafe ]
Yes kembali lagi untuk premium pancake mereka. Seperti biasa, bisa dibilang kalo kita dateng dan bisa langsung dapet premium pancake itu bagai mitos aka gabakal terjadi haha. Jadi kita dateng jam 5 untuk reserve yang next batch (jam 6). And yes kita hanya pesen 2 menu yang emang uda paling best, PREMIUM PANCAKE serve hot and cold (140K)
Kalo yang hot, 3 jiggly pancake ditumpuk disajikan dengan cream on side, butter and maple. Kalo yang cold, ini tipenya on to go jadi kalo kalian makan ditempat pun tetap dikasi bungkusannya tinggal sajikan sndiri di piring - modelnya kayak dorayaki dengan adonan dingin dan cream ditengah. Menurut aku dua2nya enak jadi tergantung selera masing2. Kalo aku prefer yang hot dan makin sukaaaa karena gaada rasa atau wangi telur at all (which is top notch!!)
Dari segi tempatnya sendiri lumayan pewe, meskipun rada kecil dan sempit. But again yang terpenting buat aku tetep rasa, kedua pelayanan. Harganya emang pricey tapi dengan kualitas dan rasa yang diberikan menurutku masih affordable :)Menu yang dipesan: cold ontogo premium pancake, hot premium pancake
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.8Dough Lab [ Thamrin, Toko Kue ]
Cookies are made of butter and love. Yes I believe it's true, so here I am queue-along for half hour just to try this famous cookies. I see lots of people in PI bring along this cookies with them. I hope the taste is worth the queue. I ordered some of their best seller menu.
THE DUCHESS (55K) - giant chocolate chip cookie with chocolate chunks and walnuts. The best seller and favorite one and turns out it taste good. Love the bricks of chocolate chunks inside, but not a totally walnut fan so prefer the monster one.
THE DIVA (5PCS - 40K) - double chocolate chip cookies with salted caramel. Sorry to say, I couldn't taste any salted caramel on this cookie. I expect it to be more bold :(
THE OG (5PCS -35K) - bite sized chewy chocolate chip cookies. Yes this one is amazing, thin yet yummy at the same time. Love it!
COOKIE MONSTER (40K) - electric blue shell encases chocolate chip cookie dough. in celebration of Sesame street's 50th anniv they launch this product, yay so happy. The cookie is soft, thick, full of melted choc chip and buttery dough baked into a heavy and milky cookie which turns out to be my fav choc chip cookie!! DELISHHH
(ps. it's definitely back to preference but I love but**ra more. But for a cookie shop - DoughLab is amazing, especially their cookie monster!)Menu yang dipesan: cookies display, The Duchess, Flower Child, The OG
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.2Sushi Hiro [ Thamrin, Jepang ]
Again, again and again
Surround yourself with sushi, not negativity ~
So here I am, enjoying my sushi and don at Sushi Hiro. Come back here for their TENDON WITH ONSEN EGG (75K) - love it. Simple, delicious and superlove that soy teriyaki sauce on top of the rice. Perfect crunch and seasoning for the tempura too.
ULTIMATE TRUFFLE GYUDON (85K) - I thought they learnt their lesson well. Last time, it's not that good but it taste delicious today. Prefer cooked till pink in the middle (who's medium team?)
And of course my first love is all their salmon: sushi - belly sushi - aburi sushi - aburi belly sushi. Always ordered this and never get bored! So juicy and fresh!! yam yam
Fall in love with the ambience and decoration of their private room. Neat, so japanese vibes and homey. Price wise, attentive service, overall great!Menu yang dipesan: salmon sushi, tendon with onsen egg, Ultimate Truffle Gyudon
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0McDonald's [ Meruya ]
iseng cobain yang baru dari mcd, mixed berries pie lumayan berasa sih berriesnya, kombinasi asam manisnya pas, apalagi kalo makannya pas masih panas enak sih, kriuk garing gitu luarnya. But still menurutku masih gaada yang bisa ngalahin rasa apple pies mereka. ENAK PAKE BANGET :D
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.0Haidilao Hot Pot [ Slipi, China ]
Another famous hotpot
Hotpot yang booming di SG akhirnya dateng ke Jakarta dan ga harus jauh2 ke gancit karena buka di TA yay.. Pelayanannya crazy attentive banget - mulai dari cek temperatur, hand sanitizer, iket rambut; tissue buat lap hp n kacamata sampe plastik bening untuk bungkus hp (takut kena cipratan kuah panas).
Dan kita juga dapat mochi gratis sambil nunggu temen yang belum dateng + terakhir pas uda selesai makan dikasi kuaci & another mochi ice cream yayy ^^ Tempatnya luas dan terang banget jadi enak. Ada condiment stationnya juga seorang kena 40K bisa ambil sepuasnya, ada dessert, buah, kacang mala dan aneka saus and herbs. Yang menarik saus kacangnya wajib ambil sama es buahnya enak banget hwhw (and buah nanasnya manis parah!!! paling laku diisi terus haha!!)
Untuk makanannya: pertama pilih dulu kuahnya, aku pilih 3 sup - Szechuan Mala - 55K (ofcourse my friend), Tiga Kombinasi (42K), Sup Jamur (42K) & air bening (berfungsi kalo terlalu enek/kental bisa dicampur air :) / emang cuma mau tiga soup base aja). Untuk supnya gaberani coba yang mala karena katanya pedes parah dan bikin kebas. Untuk yang sup jamur oke buat dipping tapi kalo buat diminum enakan yang tiga kombinasi (okay but not wow!) jadi I hope menu celupnya enak2
Untuk menu hotpotnya, pengen cobain macem2:
1. Daging Sapi Berbumbu Khas Hai di lao (83K); Sapi Short Plate Premium (78K); Daging Sapi US Angus Rib Eye (120K); Bahu Babi (90K): dari keempat jenis daging ini paling suka yang us angus rib eye, karena lebih berasa makan daging dan lembut banget, apalagi kalo uda dicocol saus kacang, cryyy enak banget!!
2. Bakso Ikan dengan Telur Ikan (50K); Bakso Sapi Keju (50K); Bakso Ikan (40K): untuk baksonya enak2 sih tapi paling suka yang sapi keju. Ulala ilove it! Kejunya hint aja tapi berasa dan enaaak.
3. Bell roll (40K); Jamur Enoki (35K); Pakchoi (25K) - iseng pesen sayur meski bukan anak sayur. Comot enoki dikit ya okelah, Bell roll lumayan bukan yang wow tapi enak.
4. Lao Mian khas Hai di lao (35K) - mienya lumayan enak, kenyel dan yang menarik adalah mie ini dibuat lewat atraksi terkenal dengan nama dancing noodle. Kayaknya hampir semua table pesen untuk bisa liat atraksi ini hehe.
Overall compare to what I eat, pelayanan dewa, soup biasa aja harusnya bisa lebih bold!!), condiments enak n puas banget, lauknya: daging enakkk - bakso yum - sayur, lamian n bell roll standard bgt tapi eatable. Harga emang murah sih apalagi compare yang di SG and compare to other hotpotMenu yang dipesan: Sapi Short Plate Premium, Daging Sapi US Angus Rib Eye, Bahu Babi, bakso ikan; bakso sapi, sop buah 1, condiments, sop buah 2, bell roll, (kanan bawah) Daging Sapi Berbumbu, free aice, 3 soupbase, Dancing Noodle
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.3 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.4Central Restaurant [ Tomang, China ]
Dim sum time
Sundays are for dim sum lol.
Yes, I think it's true. Always pick 'Sunday' for family's dimsum. Just randomly see newspaper and it's 20% discount using any cc. The dimsum price is cheap, with extra 20% disc becomes more cheap lol. Try some of their dimsum menu, top 3 for me is their hakau, cakue chong fan and fung zau.
Hakau: superlove with that big and fresh prawn filling. Great seasoning as well.
Cakue chong fan: I order the prawn chong fan but not that good, the cakue one is yummy and crunchy. Love the sweet soy sauce too.
Fung zau: no 1 fav. Although it's a little bit spicy, but the sweetness coverup the black pepper so I could manage to eat it and love it!Menu yang dipesan: Hakau, Siew Mai, cakue chong fan, Fung Zau
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.0House of Brooklyn [ SCBD, Kafe ]
Best donutella ❤️
One of the best donutella (15K) I ever eat and with reasonable price as well. Fillingnya lembut banget dan super generous nutellanya (10/10). Satu lagi pesen salted caramel donut (15K) yang ga kalah best seller tapi jujur rada kebanting sama yang nutella, somehow kurang keluar rasa saltednya. I do expect more bold flavor sih! (7/10)
Kopi susu cake (60K) - jujur kirain bakal imut pas muncul wow besar skali. Consists of coffee sponge cake with coffee jelly milk filling, chunks of hazel and topped with milk buttercream frosting - lots of components and yes love the idea putting that coffee jelly milk for extra texture, but sadly the texture is too thick yet dense, jadi kenyang dan enek banget lama kelamaan, prefer the airy texture better (8/10)
V60 Earl grey coffee (45K) - love this one! Bergamot infused milk tea cubes, arabica coffee, condensed milk and homemade chocolate base. Berasa banget, dia pake drip coffee gitu tapi i prefer their non coffee version much better (pas belum dicampur), karena enak parah earl grey mereka. Begitu dicampur kopi karena bold jadi awal langsung ilang but the next sip makin keluar rasa earlgreynya, jadi harus sabar hehe (8/10). Ps. I'll definitely put perfect score if they launch their earl grey milk tea (hope so!)
Pretty and comfort place, cocok buat nongki. Terang and pewe cuma rada kesel sama pelayannya, jawabnya asal padahal nanya baik2. Terus judes banget lagi, harusnya catet namanya ya - cewe pokoknya. Yang lain sih baik2 cuma satu orang itu aja really ruins my mood sih.Menu yang dipesan: kopi susu cake, v60 earl grey coffee, Salted Caramel, donutella
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.4 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.6Osteria Gia [ SCBD, Italia ]
One of the best finding, I have eaten here twice before and honestly it was less memorable. But this time, by choosing the right menu, everything is delicious, great portion with wise price (I mean it's expensive but very very worth the price!)
Parmigiana eggplant (105K) with mozzarella, parmigiano creme, tomato sauce and basil. Let's start with something healthy. I’m a ‘totally hardline’ carnivore and totally not a fan of veges. So, if they offer me to eat mostly veges with high price, say goodbye to that dish. But, I could tell you that it doesn’t work when it comes to this dish. Definitely one of the best western eggplant dish I ever eat (exclude eggplant tempura lol!), too amazing I could finish it by myself (10/10)
Salmon Farfalle (145K) with pink sauce and squid ragout - again, it's full of flavour. Love the combination of flavor and perfect creamy. The salmon and squid cooked perfectly too! (10/10)
Spaghettoni Pomodoro (155K) with Mamma's wagyu meatballs. As the meatballs itself cooked with tomato pizzalola sauce and mozzarella. OMG That Godly flavourful tomato pizzalola sauce collaborate with that beautiful cooked wagyu meatballs (and pasta itself )and it turns into a dish I literally came back for. Definitely a perfect score for this one!!! (11/10 lol :P)
For the drink, I'll always order Chamomile Tea-Ni (55K) - the best tea combination I ever found as it combines tea extract, chamomile spice, peach, lemon and cinnamon and yes so refreshing! Love it! (9/10)Menu yang dipesan: spaghettoni pomodoro, salmon farfalle, eggplant parmigiana, chamomile tea ni
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.7 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.2Harlan + Holden Because Coffee [ SCBD, Kafe ]
Suka sama konsepnya!
Emang dari awal uda rencana pengen kesini karena banyak foodie posting tapi selalu auto-mundur karena selalu rame penuh gitu. Akhirnya kesampean dan jujur tempatnya cakep banget sih. Luas dan pewe banget, penataan seatingnya juga unik parah, so artistic. Sayang aku juga akhirnya tetap berdiri karena rame banget full of ppl haha (baru duduk 5 mnt terakhir sblm cabut karena minumannya uda tnggl sedikit dan cookies uda diperut haha)
Untuk cara ordernya, wajib banget install appnya lalu pilih menu cookies and drinks yang kita mau, nanti bayarnya bisa pake cc ovo gopay and linkaja. Jadi setelah kita pesen nanti akan dipanggil sesuai nomor urutan gitu. Banyak orang tua complain gara2 gangerti caranya cuma mungkin karena emang gamau ribet dan lebih diprioritaskan untuk young-gen kali ya.
Dan karena yang recommended adalah cold sea salt latte (40K) jadi aku pesen itu, dan untuk cari aman mau cobain yang medium roast dulu. Wah gila enak banget sih jujur, berasa banget sea saltnya but next time mau cobain yang dark roast biar kopinya lebih bold lagi.
Untuk cookiesnya yang paling terkenal itu yang Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookie (30K), awalnya mikir mahal juga ya, beda dikit sama kopinya, tapi ternyata kusalah, ini tipe goeey cookies gitu enak banget, coklatnya meleleh manis tapi buttery dengan walnut yang garing + lil bit salt untuk touch of salty gitu. Jadi bener2 perpaduan yang pas, manis asin gurih and buttery yumMenu yang dipesan: medium roast, sea salt latte, Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookie, assorted cookies display
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.