4.0BoBaL [ Cengkareng, Kafe ]
Yummy pancakeee...
There is hardship in everything except eating pancakes.
Back to BOBAL just for eating pancake. Strawberry original pancake (20K) - mencoba trial di cabang lain dan emang enak banget. Harganya sih murah ga wajar, tapi dia pake strawberry sauce (asam manis) and cream cheese juga bukan yang ecek2, berasa banget dan bubblenya super empuk. Pancakenya sendiri juga enak banget, nagih. Super fav!! Tadi mau cobain yang pandan pancake klepon, sayang belum ready. Next time mau cobain hehe..Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.4Ben Gong's Tea [ Thamrin, Kafe ]
Again, gaperna bosan
It's Friday, Let's Par-TEA !!! Yashh!! Let's have some: Osmanthus milk tea (med - 28K) - setelah cobain minuman ini everyweek, akhirnya aku tau ini rasa yang sangat familiar dengan apa. Selama ini kayak guessing whole time mirip minuman apa, kalo kalian tau rasa bear brand yang malt. Yes this is the same taste, enak bangettttt!!! Dan puas sih, menurutku mereka tipe yang ga terlalu manis untuk standardnya jadi kalo kalian pesen less sugar, jujur rasa maltnya hilang dan tawar2 gitu justru jadi gaenak (uda perna coba yang less slny)
Osmanthus black tea cube (med - 25K) - my lil bro fav. Jadi ini versi lebih light, karena dia perpaduannya dengan teh dan ada teacube yang terbuat dari teh juga. If you're not a big fan of milk, go for this one. Osmanthus tea mereka emang unik and one of the best sih buatku.
Their new menu from cheezo series - CHEEZO BISCOFF (forget about the price but it's worth it!) - enak banget ini, ga enek tapi berasa banget biscoffnya. Cinnamon-nya bener2 enakkk dengan perpaduan susu dan cream cheese yang pas. One of the best biscoff drink sih kalo buatku. (fyi, my mom love it too padahal dia paling gasuka minuman manis)
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.2Gaijin [ Wijaya, Jepang ]
Japanese food yum
Japanese food makes me feel particularly good.
Especially some of this Gaijin dish that makes me want to comeback again! This is the second visit - yang pertama cuma cobain edamame and dessert. Some of their best dishes are:
1. HAMBURG DEMI GLACE BOMB (85K) - ssuai dengan namanya, rasanya juga menurutku dabomb!! Enak banget, sausnya agak manis asin gurih. Beef hamburgnya perfectly seasoned dan empuk banget. Even onion ring n nasinya juga enak. Everything is perfectÂ
2. ROCK POTATO (45K) - ini juga simple sih sebenernya. Jadi kentang pake mayo gitu. Awalnya penampilan kurang wow dan nunggunya jujur rada lama. Tapi turns out rasanya enak, dia di baked gitu dan manis gurihnya dapet.
3. EDAMAME (50K) - kembali lagi pesen ini dan aku cuma makan 1 karena judulnya salt & spicy haha. Rada oily tapi emang pedas gurih gitu, kalo kalian suka pedes pasti bakal bilang one of the best! Aku aja yang gabisa makan pedes, makan skali bisa tau ini enak. Cuma ya gabisa makan lebih banyak sih karena pedes haha (again bisa gapedes cm ya jadi b aja)
4. BURNT ICE CREAM (25K) - jujur ini paling worth it! Harganya murah banget gils (first visit langsung ketagihan) dan rasanya super enak. Jadi baked cheese cake with vanilla icecream and grass jelly on side - simple tapi enak. Pokoknya fix bakal balik lagi ke gaijin demi ini sama hamburg haha.
Yang biasa aja (coba cukup sekali):
GYUTAN-DON (75K) & GAIJIN-DON (65K) - dua ini mnrtku biasa aja, nothing special. Kalo gaijin don itu model yoshinoya with onsen egg on top. Kalo gyutan ya okelah but not that great untuk harga 75K
Menu yang dipesan: Gyutan don, gaijin don, hamburg demi glace bomb
Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.2Chicory European Patisserie [ Menteng, Eropa ]
Cake & Pastry
Un coup de foudre~
With this European Patisserie at Menteng.
Wow this is the truly definition of expensive yet exquisite dessert. For the drinks, I love the 64% cocoa flavored with earl grey (50K) - small but deep flavor, love the combination and not too creamy. For me, the Ice lavender lemonade (62K) is too expensive, I don't taste any lavender, just a simple expensive lemonade. Yes it's pricey for this one.
For the cake display, totally fall in love. Looks so pretty and yummy as well. Forgot the price of individual but one for sure, it's expensive compare to other cake shop in Jakarta. My friend said I must try croissant (banyak yang sold out sayangnya, so I go for the savoury mozzarella - tomato - rocket and basil croissant. First respond wow it's very healthy haha. Enak tapi rada kurang nonjok sih fillingnya, tapi croissant mereka enak, tipe flaky buttery gitu). Kalo cakenya, aku cobain blueberry pear (enak parah kacau. must try banget ini, ga cuma cantik tapi enak uga!) sama cobain small espresso donut gitu (lumayan sih cuma bukan yang wow banget).
Dan aku juga takeaway mereka punya apple pie, cheese quiche dan opera yang ga kalah menggiurkan. Next time mau dateng lebih awal, slny mereka ada breakfast menu and only available till 11am.Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
5.0Chibi Tomato [ Pondok Indah, Toko Kue ]
Hidden Gem at Jaksel. MUSTRY!!!
Life's too short to say no cakeÂ
I'm back for you - gila ini hidden gem banget. Berlokasi di apartemen penuh dengan orang jepang, jadi ini cakenya yang punya orang jepang asli cuma bisa bahasa jepang n inggris. Selalu cepet soldout tapi definitely could tell that this is the best cake I ever taste, super high quality with affordable price.
Pesen beberapa menu dan yang ada di foto aku (dengan tambahan 3 minuman lagi) harganya gasampe 300 ribu. Padahal kalo di chateraise bisa 500lebih fix. Mereka pake butter and cream mahal, berasa beda slnya. Aku pesen ichigo shortcake (strawberry and cream), double fromage (cream cheese and it's superb delicious if you're a cheeselover!), opera (mix of chocolate and coffee, so good. Not too sweet with a hint of bitterness. LOVE!), souffle cheese (if you're not a big fan of cheese but want to eat something cheese, this one is perfect. It's more light and airy) and last one is their original pudding (kalo tau puding merek jepang - OHAYO yang sering difeatured blogger2 terkenal) - yes mirip banget rasanya dan tentunya super enak sih rasanya. MUSTRY!!
Untuk minumannya sih ada 2 yang must try, ini untuk non coffee lovers ya, ada matcha milk sm avocado milk. Untuk matchanya dia tipe yang bold matcha tapi tetep ada rasa manisnya. Untuk avocado milk ternyata ini terkenal di harajuku dan emang enak banget loh, khususnya flavor ini - dulu pertama coba kaget kok enak banget. Jadi ketagihan deh sampe sekarang, cuma sering keabisan karena ternyata orang jepang suka. Dan please untuk avomilk harus psen yang cold karena kalo hot kayak turun 30% gitu rasanya hahaha..
Pelayanan superb, gercep dan baik banget. They explain their cake very good and I love all their cakes!! Yang wajib pesen sebenernya ada 1 lagi, framboise - asem manis gitu cuma hari ini lagi ga buat cakenya heheHarga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
3.8Ayam Presto Ny. Nita [ Green Ville, Indonesia ]
Mencari seafood tanpa tulang ...
*Review untuk pesan antar (via gojek) atau takeaway
In a shared fish, there are no bones.
It's similar when you talk about milkfish/'ikan bandeng presto' yayy. Aku paling males kalo disuru makan ikan yang ada tulangnya jadi suka banget sama yang namanya presto, tulangnya lunak jadi bisa dimakan hehe.. Dan salah satu favorit aku itu bandeng presto di Ny Nita. Cabenya meskipun pedes aku masi bisa makan dikit karena ada rasa manisnya. Dan kulit ikannya super garing. Love banget
Tahu telor - again, ini lumayan enak. Gabisa compare sama sate khas punya ya karena harganya juga setengahnya. Tapi ini termasuk enak, telor dan tahunya equal dan crunchy nya pun dapet. Maybe masukan dikit bisa bikin less sweet and lebih kentel dikit untuk bumbunya biar makin maknyus. Sisanya uda oke sih hehe..Menu yang dipesan: Tahu Telor, bandeng presto set
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.0Kopi Dari Pada [ Kebon Jeruk, Minuman ]
Nemu yang enak lagi
*Review untuk pesan antar (via gojek) atau takeaway
Great ideas start with coffee.
So, let's start a day with ES KOPI SUSU GULA AREN (18K) - I'm amazed. Ga nyangka seenak itu kopinya. Karena maraknya kopi jadi kayak semua rada mirip2 dan somehow akhir2 ini jarang nemu yang enak. Random pesen ini dan ternyata enak, ga terlalu manis, dan kopinya tetep berasa tapi ga over. Harga fix worth it cuma 18K haha..ÂMenu yang dipesan: es kopi susu gula aren
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.1 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.4Kamakura Japanese Cafe [ Melawai, Kafe ]
Hidden Gem at Fatmawati. MUSTRY!!
Life is about exploring pasta-bilites ;)
This is totally a hidden gem for Japanese lovers, especially their omurice and fusion pasta. Try some of their best seller menu and I could guarantee u that this is worth it!
First impression, is it even a restaurant? It's super small if you see from the outside, but as soon we see the inside, it's quite spacious. Simple blue theme place serves japanese fusion dish, can't wait to try as my japanese teacher promotes this place and tell us to try it so badly lol.
**ORIGINAL MENTAIKO CREAM OMURICE (90K) - superbest, enak banget, sausnya gila sih, pink tapi nonjok banget rasa mentaikonya. Love!
**TOMATO OMURICE MUSHROOM (70K) - the best! Mentaiko uda enak banget, tpi ini jauh lebih enak lagi. Asam, asin, manis, gurih, all in dah. Superb delicious! Bisa dilihat di gambar sausnya ga pelit samasekali.
**EXTRA - BIG SIZE OF RICE (+15K/EACH) - dan dua menu omurice itu kita pesennya extra portion jadi lebih besar gitu dan murah dong cuma +15, anw yang diperbesar bukan cuma porsi nasi tapi juga topping dan saus. Worth it!!
Kita juga pesen 2 menu pasta favorite: CREAMY TOMATO PASTA with the ocean's blessings (88K) - yes it's pretty omg! Anw itu crab pajangan cuma supaya cakep fotonya, jadi di pastanya itu uda dikombinasiin crab and tomato makanya warnanya bisa oren bold gitu. Dan rasanya juga enak, fresh ada asem2nya jadi ga terlalu enek.
MENTAIKO SALMON PASTA (115K) - nah abis makan yang super bold, enaknya tuh pesen yang lebih light untuk clean up palate aja sih. Jadi ini mentaiko cuma yang lebih kering, bukan kayak omurice pink itu. Ringan tapi flavorful.
SEAFOOD AJILLO (60K) - top 2 best after that tomato omurice. After crab pasta, I tried their delicious Spanish classic Ajillo - perfect, super bold and delicious. Ini bener2 mirip kayak yang aku makan di sydney (yg harganya 5x lipat), bener2 nagih. Butternya berasa banget dengan kombinasi seafood yang ulala.
ROASTED DUCK BREAST (75K) - not a big fan, but taste good. My brother loves it somuch.
HOMEMADE LIVER PATTY (40K) - ini kalo dijual di resto perancis harganya bisa above 200K, disini turns out murah banget gila, and yes somehow lebih enak engga tau dia bikinnya gimana haha
PINEAPPLE SUNSHINE KAKIGORI (45K) - kalo kata guruku yang paling enak strawberry kayak undeniable good gitu tapi karena lagi sold out jadi cobain yang pineapple. Wah seger sih, lebih enak ini jauh compare to sumoboo. Manis tapi ga enek, jadi bisa makan banyak.
Overall memuaskan. Harganya murah sih kalo diliat dari porsi dan rasa yang diserve. Untuk pelayanan jujur hmm kurang. Masaknya sih cepet, tapi service on tablenya omg sombong2 amat mbanya, judes pula. Untung enak banget makanannya kalo ga fix gabakal balik lagi sih HAHAHA..Menu yang dipesan: creamy tomato crab pasta, seafood ajillo, mentaiko cream omurice, roasted duck breast, mentaiko salmon pasta, tomato omurice mushroom, pineapple sunshine kakigori, homemade liver patty
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.2 pembaca berterima kasih.
4.2Ban Ban [ Thamrin, Kafe ]
Coco cherie :)
Sip me baby one more time ~
After successful collab with Anaz Siantar, now they reveal Coco cherie collab with cutie coco, Tasmanian & strawberry green tea blend and fresh cheese on top. Super love with their cherry bites and jelly, add extra texture. The mix of sourness and sweetness are perfect for me. It's a seasonal menu until 8 March only :)
Also order their ovo pan - charcoal toast, cream cheese and ovo crunch on top. Superb fat but delicious. Still love their savoury dish better though ;)
One of the best store and service compare to the other branch, more attentive and fast in making the order !!!Menu yang dipesan: coco cherie
Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.
4.0Goobne Chicken [ Pantai Indah Kapuk, Korea ]
Still taste great, portion shrinking :(
If you're a korean lover, I think this place is perfect for you! Had been sad because it closed, finally they open again with an increasingly varied menu, there is a contemporary menu like MALA (lol! not that excited because not a spicy food fan)
Their food consistency is great but the portion is shrinking lol!! Still, I have to admit that they serve a really great food!

Goobne deep cheese (179k) - their special menu which is oven roasted chicken deep coated in creamy cheddar powder mixed with blue cheese powder. OMG that chicken is so tender and juicy. The cheese powder itself gives an extra kick to that chicken. Highly recommended for cheesy lovers (9/10)

Goobne fruity soy garlic (169k) – marinate the whole chicken with special fruity sauce, brushed with a layer of garlic soy. THIS ONE IS MY OVERALL FAVORITE! Fall in love at first bite, just eat it with your bare hands and you’ll just want to eat it over and over again. The sweetness combine with that garlicky is so delicious! PERFECT! (10/10)

Goobne sweet and spicy chicken (169k) – okay, so it’s literally a combination of sweet and spicy oven roasted chicken. If you want a bold kick then you should try this one! I’m not a fan of spicy chicken so it’s just a standard dish for me but my friend manage to eat that 10 pieces of chicken :D (8/10)

Japchae (89k) – stir fried glass noodle with thinly slice of beef, onion, carrot and bell pepper with special homemade soy sauce. A standard dish (sweeter than the past!) and a bit expensive for me. And omg what happened to the portion! It's too small hiks. It’s quite good but prefer to buy other flavor of chicken rather than this dish. (7/10)

Rita shark blood (non-alcohol for 69k) – the blue curacao cocktail with shark blood. Surprisingly, it taste nice. So, that blue drink is a sweet one and the dark purple liquid ((which turns out to be sour – blueberry flavour) will balance the sweetness of the blue curacao. Pretty interesting and miss that old presentation when the purple liquid came out from the shark lol! (9/10)
Anyway, still worth visit but still love the past. Second 'sad thing'Â - no refill for the ocha! Recommend other than ocha! lolMenu yang dipesan: deep cheese, fruity soy garlic, Rita shark blood, sweet and spicy chicken, Japchae
Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000Makasih Infonya!Kamu belum login, klik di sini.