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Yuli || IG: @franzeskayuli

711 Review | 368 Makasih
Alfa 2020 Level 15
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  • 5.0  

    New coffee shop from Philippines!

    Ada coffee shop baru di PP, Harlan + Holden. Letaknya di lantai 1, persis di sebelah TWG. Sistem pemesanannya hanya by apps, sudah tersedia di Play Store dan App Store, namanya juga Harlan + Holden. Sistem pembayarannya sementara cuma bisa menggunakan Credit or Debit Card. Payment method lain sepertinya sedang diproses.

    Well pas gue datang sekitar jam 2 siang, tempatnya ramai sekali! Banyak yang gak tau kalau beli kopi disini harus pake apps nya, tapi tenang aja, ada staff mereka yang bakal bantu kok. Tempatnya sendiri luas dan konsepnya cukup unik, tempat duduknya dibuat tangga gitu, simple tapi instagrammable!
    Kebetulan gue udah pesan duluan lewat apps dan pas gue dateng baru aja jadi kopinya.

    Gue order Hot Cappuccino, extra hot. Well, menurut gue masih kurang panas sih, cuma masih ok lah. Disini ada 2 size yaitu short and tall, bisa ice and hot. Bedanya 5ribuan gitu.

    Untuk rasanya gimana? First sip, omg enak banget! Strong diseruputan awal, lama-lama rasa kopinya smooth di lidah. Perfect! Roasting levelnya untuk yang default itu adalah medium roast. Ini pas banget sih menurut gue.
    Lama gue diemin dan makin dingin kopinya, pahitnya makin keluar. Me super likey! Soo gewd!
    Harganya menurut gue masih ok banget dengan kualitas rasa yang top.
    Oia, mereka juga jual cake and pastry gitu sih, mulai dari croissant, cookies, choco cake, cheesecake etc.
    Mau coba yang lainnn next. Semoga ada promo yaa😌

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 5.0  
    Osteria Gia [ SCBD, Italia ]

    One of Best Italian Restaurant

    Another awesome night spent at one of the best Italian Restaurant in Jakarta. Yes, it is Osteria Gia! Quite shocked when I entered the restaurant that night since it was really packed and they said it is always full everyday! Yes, you might better have your reservation beforehand. The restaurant itself is not so spacious but they have a really warm and live ambience. Service was excellent, especially when Chef Tommaso showed up and treated us with his best dish. He was so friendly and also funny to all of the guests.

    I was having some of their signature dishes such as:

    Parmigiana Eggplant
    A vegetarian? This dish might suit you best. The combination between the roasted eggplant and mozzarella, parmigiano creme, and tomato sauce were really great. I really enjoyed eating the eggplant (am not a fan of eggplant tho), but it tasted really good. I love the tomato sauce too!

    Dont like tomatoes? I think you should give this one a try. I didnt feel like eating tomatoes is torturing now since I ate this dish. The tomatoes was so fresh and didnt taste like tomatoes. Also, the pesto sauce did enhance the tomatoes flavour.

    Penne Pesto Genovese
    Perfectly cooked penne served with pesto sauce and chicken. Omg this is the best pesto i have ever tasted in my life seriously. Thanks to Chef Tommaso for making this dish real😆 the pesto sauce was so fragrant omg i can still imagine the smell. The chicken was also soooo juicy omg me want more!:")

    Calzone Ricotta
    Different way to eat pizza. Yeah, Calzone! This folded pizza was filled with artichoke, mushrooms, olive, ricotta cheese and onions. The filling was so generous. The spicy marinara sauce was really yums and gave more balance flavour to the calzone. So in love with this dipping sauce, cant stop saying "omg it is so yummy".

    Nutella Pizza
    As a dessert, Nutella Pizza by Osteria Gia was one of the best to conclude the meal. Hey, I love their homemade peanut butter and also the roasted nut. It produced another great aroma to the pizza and another taste to the nutella spread. Purrfect!

    Porcini Mushroom Ravioli
    Seasonal menu for Valentines and I think I would miss this one someday. Omg the ravioli was great, texture was perfect. The pecan walnut sauce was so creamy and yummy, I did like it a lot.

    Chicken Brasato
    So this is basically a slow braised chicken cooked together with cipollini onions, taggiasche olives and bacon in balsamic and wine for hours. So you can imagine it would turn out become one of the best dish from my last dinner at Osteria. The chicken was soooo tender and tasty. Oh ya, i also cant forget the bacon, it was so yum yum and gave another flavour to the dish

    Polenta Fries
    Made from polenta (cornmeal), fried and seasoned perfectly. This could accompany the Chicken Brasato or you can eat it alone, still good! Texture was really crispy on the outside and also a bit crispy in the inside. Seasoning was on point.

    For drink, I tried Elderflower Mojito and Melon Cucumberita. Those were served beautifully, especially Melon Cucumberita.
    All of them tasted so refreshing. Super like!

    Overall, this was one of the best dining experience I've ever had in 2020. Cant wait for another visit and try another menu! I would surely recommend Osteria Gia to all of my friends.


    Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 5.0  
    Joy's Gelato [ Gading Serpong, Es Krim ]

    Gelatonya enak dan pelayanannya super ramah!

    Masih berkeliaran di daerah Gading Serpong, melipir lah ke gelato shop terbaru di daerah sini. Baru buka sekitar sebulanan kalau gak salah. Posisinya di ruko blitz yang agak jauh dari peradaban. Pas datang ternyata mereka masih siap-siap padahal udah jam setengah 11. Info dari mas pelayannya katanya mereka sekarang buka dari jam 11 bukan jam 10 lagi dan mereka belum update lagi.
    Walaupun masih siap-siap, tapi mas nya welcome banget dan minta maaf kalau masih belum siap dan masih harus nunggu. Super like banget sumpah sama pelayanannya. Ramah banget! Untuk tempatnya super cozy and instagrammable abis. Dominasi warna kuning dan mural gitu. Ada boardgame juga buat yang mau main sama teman-teman. Ada kursi yang bentuk ice cream cone gitu. Smoking and non smoking area available. Ok setelah nunggu sekitar 15menitan akhirnya para gelato itu keluar dan kita dipersilahkan untuk nyobain flavour yang tersedia. I almost tried all the flavours and I chose Tiramisu, Sunrise (whisky), Rum and Raisin, Jumanji (choco+coffee). These all 4 are my favorite now..
    Untuk Rum Raisin berasa banget rum nya. Terus yang Jumanji, gue yang bukan pecinta coklat aja jadi suka sama rasa yang ini soalnya rasa coklatnya pekat yang agak pahit dan dicampur rasa kopi jadi purrfect!!
    Tekstur gelato nya bagus dan kata masnya mereka gak pake pengawet sama sekali jadi gampang cari, so pas kita take away ini dari GS ke Jakarta dia taking care of each gelato, dikasih es batu super gede biar awet (sayang gak ada dry ice ya). Super likeyy!!
    Mereka juga sediain infused water dan menu-menu lainnya seperti coffee and pastry.  Tempat yang ok dan asik buat nongkrong nih :)

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 5.0  
    Ambrogio Patisserie [ Banda, Kafe ]

    Perfect resto!

    Mampir ke salah satu restaurant kekinian nan instagramable and kece di Bandung.
    Pas datang gak terlalu ramai sih tapi karena gue mau di ruangan non smoking jadi harus nunggu dulu.
    Tempatnya sih kece abis, luas dan ambience nya cozy banget. Cocok buat ngumpul sama teman ataupun keluarga.
    Disini gak cuma sekedar jual pastry dan coffee tapi juga banyak pilihan makanan beratnya mulai dari salad, soup dan main course, smoothie bowl sampai dessert juga ada. Gak ketinggalan mereka juga menjual gelato, display gelatonya dekat pintu masuk.
    Karena udah kenyang jadinya gue pesan minuman dan makanan buat sharing aja.
    Pesan Quattro Formaggi Pizza dan Japanese Yakimeshi.
    Pizza nya itu tipikal yang thin crust ya, ditaburi dengan 4 jenis keju. Rasanya? enak! Kejunya berlimpah, pizzanya garing. Suka deh pokoknya.
    Japanese Yakimeshinya overall enak but not for the beef brisketnya yang super alot. Feeling gue sih karena salah potong aja sih jadinya alot gitu. Untuk nasi gorengnya gue suka, ditambah fluffy omelette diatasnya jadi makin enakk.

    Untuk minuman gue pesan Red Berry Mojito. Segerrr banget. Manisnya juga gak berlebihan. Top!

    Overall, Ambrogio ini complete package abis sih. Mulai dari makanan dan minuman enak-enak, pilihan menunya banyak, suasananya nyaman, harganya bersahabat banget, pelayanannya baik. Top! Wajib dikunjungi kalo ke Bandung

    Harga per orang: < Rp. 50.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    2 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 5.0  
    Okuzono Japanese Dining [ Senopati, Jepang ]

    Great Dining Experience

    Hari senin beberapa waktu lalu lunch kesini bareng teman-teman kantor. Udah reservasi duluan takut full karena jam makan siang.
    Ternyata pas datang masih cukup sepi. Kesan pertama pas masuk ke dalam itu.... suka bangettt sama ambience dan interior -nya. Japanese ambience nya dapet banget. Super comfy dan cozy. Betah sih lama-lama disini. Yang paling penting itu, pencahayaannya bagus buat foto-foto.
    Disini dining area nya luas dan terbagi-bagi, ada yang private room yang harus minimal purchase 2mio kalo gak salah,  ada yang berbentuk kayak pondokan, ada dining area umum biasa juga. Menarik banget sih tempatnya. 
    Disini mereka sediain lunch set menu gitu dari jam 11.00 sampai 15.00 
    Lunch set nya ini udah termasuk rice, tamagoyaki, salad, kobachi, dan ocha.
    Gue kemarin pesan Chicken Nanban Set, terus pesan Ebi Mayo dan Sashimi Mori-5 for sharing.
    Untuk Chicken Nanban nya enak banget! Karaage Chicken nya potongannya pas, dagingnya lembut, kulitnya garing, ditambah tartar sauce nya yang enak banget! Gue ketagihan sama menu ini. Porsiannya besar banget sih menurut gue dengan harga yang reasonable! Terus cobain Sashimi Mori, jadi ini potongan 5 jenis ikan yang super fresh. Gue lupa nama-nama ikannya, tapi hampir semua yang gue coba itu benar-benar segar dan gak bau amis sama sekali. Disajikan diatas bowl besar yang berisikan shaved ice dan ikannya ditata dengan indah diatasnya. 

    Sempat cobain punya teman yaitu Chaba-beef Marinated, ini gak kalah enak sih, dagingnya lembut dan tasty!

    Pelayanannya bagus banget, waiter and waitress nya ramah dan sopan, terus gak pake lama buat nunggu makanannya diantar
    Overall, kalo ditanya bakal balik lagi atau nggak? I will, definitely! 

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.8  
    Canabeans [ Bintaro, Kafe ]

    A complete package!

    Been curious for long time with Canabeans karena banyak denger review ok tentang resto satu ini. Canabeans ini membuka outlet pertamanya di Alam Sutera.
    Kebetulan kemarin gue datang ke outlet ke-2 mereka di The Accent Bintaro yang baru buka kurang lebih setahun kalo gak salah.
    Posisinya di lobby apartmen The Accent, dari pintu masuk apartment nya udah keliatan. Tempatnya gak luas dan terbuka tanpa pintu, tapi percayalah the moment I entered this place, I could say I love this place so so much.
    Cozy banget. Gue super betah disini, gak mau pulang lol. Disini menurut gue cocok banget buat kerja, nongkrong ataupun kumpul bareng keluarga, gak lupa, tempatnya juga cocok buat ootd 😜
    Pas masuk disambut dengan ramah oleh staff mereka. Aselik, ini salah satu faktor yang bikin gue makin betah di suatu tempat.

    Disini ku pesan Hot Cappuccino dan Pan-seared Fillet Mignon.
    Latte art di Hot Cappuccino nyaa keren bangettt. Untuk Hot Cappuccino nya buat gue pribadi enak, pas buat menemani di siang hari. Kopinya cukup strong untuk Cappuccino nya. Kata Mas Barista nya kalo mau yang lebih strong order Flat White atau Piccolo gitu gue lupa lol soalnys mereka pake 2 shots of espresso. Oia kalian kalo mau belajar tentang coffee dan bikin latte art gitu juga bisa minta diajarin sama baristanya yang ramah-ramah.

    Pan-seared Fillet Mignon nyaaa super love astaga :") gue request tingkat kematangan medium. Sumpah juicy banget. Marinasinya pas, pas ditemenin sama mushroom sauce nya yang endol juga, cuma kurang banyak aja sih sauce nya :p
    Terus mashed potato nya juga enak, creamy nya pas gak bikin eneg malah pengen makan terus. Udah gitu teksturnya agak kasar gitu yang dimana gue lebih suka yang versi kek gini karena masih bisa sambil dikunyah. Waaaa! Gak lupa mix salad nya, mereka pake dressing dari buah naga, asam-asam segar dan ada rasa manis juga. Perfect!

    Sebelum pulang, gue sempet nanya-nanya sama mereka apa mereka punya produk kopi susu kekinian dan ternyata mereka punya loh dan ekslusif dijual di GoFood. Tapi mumpung gue lagi disini gue ditawarin salah satu best seller nya yaitu Sea Salt Caramel Latte.
    Untuk rasanya ok, wangi caramelnya terasa, gak terlalu manis, kopinya sendiri smooth.

    Overall, would definitely come back and recommend this place to my friends!! ❤

    Harga per orang: Rp. 100.000 - Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.8  
    Gia Restaurant & Bar [ Sudirman, Italia ]

    Best dining experience ever

    GIA is located at Ground Floor of South Tower Sampoerna Strategic Square. I was having a great dining experience here with fellow foodies last Tuesday night. GIA is one of restaurant from ISMAYA Group. The moment from I entered the restaurant, I feel that excellent service from the staff. No doubt, so far, never had bad experience with service from Ismaya group restaurant.
    When I came, the restaurant was not so crowded.
    I really enjoyed the ambience as well as the food from GIA.
    As informed by the chef, everything at GIA is freshly made. No wonder if the price is considered high. It is all worth it, guys.


    Crispy Potato Pave
    This could be one of great choice for your appetizer.
    The topping doesnt taste like a raw beef, it was juicy and kinda spicy. Well marinated.  This should be eaten in one go.

    Piadina Al Pomodoro
    This dish is DABOMB. Seriously. The sliced tomatoes were perfectly marinated, I didnt even taste tomatoes flavour, which is good. The tomatoes texture were so soft and the taste was well combined with cream cheese. PERFECT!

    Marinara Bresaola
    This Pizza is kinda unique as they put potato chips as the topping. The chips was yummy and crunchy and well seasoned. I couldnt stop eat this lol. The marinara sauce was one of the best i have ever eaten.

    Gnocchi Alla Bolognese
    Major love with this dish. Can I have more? lol.
    The highlight here was the Gnocchi. Omg it was so soft yet so fluffy in the same time. When the sauce was made from short ribs ragu combined with pumpkin and completed with salsa verde. The short ribs was simply amazing! The executive chef told us that instead using minced meat, theh prefer to slice the short to keep the great texture of the meat. And yeah, it gave us another sensation in enjoying the sauce. Meat was super tender and fragrant. Also, not to forget the crunchiness of the cheese on top. This dish really gave us so many texture in one plate.  Omg, i dont know how to describe it further. It was simply perfect.

    Cotoletta Alla Torinese
    Well actually this one is deep fried breaded chicken filled with ham and provolone. The chicken was really crunchy on the outside and soo juicy in the inside. Provolone cheese was yummy and gave another taste to the chicken and ham. While for the pasta, they used angel hair pasta and it tasted great. The truffle sauce was soooo good.

    White Truffle Panna Cotta
    One of the best Panna Cotta I have ever eaten. I swear. The texture was sooo soft. Pistachio nutella tasted amazing. Not too sweet and the pistachio flavour gave another sensation. Perfect!

    Apple Tarte Tatin
    Served with vanilla creme and cognac flambe. Such an honour Chef Tommaso was the one who served the cognac flambe on that night. I love the combination between apple and cognac, vanilla cream balanced all the flavour.

    For the drink, I ordered Mediterraneo. Kiwi, Cranberries, Passion Fruit and Sparkling Water combination made this drink so refreshing!

    Well overall, i have no complaint towards the food. GIA really let me had the best dining experience.

    Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!

  • 4.8  
    Union [ Slipi, Barat ]

    All time favorite red velvet!

    Yang ditunggu-tunggu akhkrnya buka juga di CP! Yes, jadi kalo ngidam red velvet nya gak perlu jauh-jauh lagii! Lokasinya di Tribeca, ada outdoor dan indoor. Tempatnya cukup luas dengan dominan warna putih dan kaca di bagian luarnya. Kece banget deh pokoknya.
    Dateng kesini pas masih ada promo disc 20% for all pastry and cake. Disini ada beberapa menu pastry ekslusif yang emang cuma ada di CP.
    Service nya excellent as always.
    Pesan classic red velvet cake nya karena emang udah lama banget pengen ini 😆
    Harganya after disc+tax service jadi sekitar 67k.
    Rasanya emang gak pernah berubah, selalu enak dan ngangenin. Rhum di dalam cake nya yang emang bikin makin enakkk.
    Definitely will back for more! Penasaran sama durian cake nya 😆

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    2 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.8  
    Paris Sorbet [ Senopati, Dessert ]

    best sorbet in town!!

    Paris Sorbet! One of new dessert place I have been curious since they opened. It is located at Wolter Monginsidi area. The place is not so spacious but with high ceiling and simple interior makes this place looks spacious and so cozy and perfect for any kind of occassion. Seriously, I can sit there for hours.

    They serve various of sorbet and gelato, cake and cake in a jar, also brunch menu. They also have coffee and tea.
    Price range for sorbet and gelato is from 45k for one scoop. It is quite affordable since their gelato is freshmade. They only have small batch of each flavour everyday. Almost all ingredients for sorbet and ice cream come from Indonesia (except the Raspberry), as well as the furniture and decoration. woah!

    For the food, I tried Croque Monsieur. They also served the vegetarian version. Croque Monsieur was great, a lot of cheese on it, me likee it!! Other topping was also generous.
    For the sorbet, I tried Mango, Baked Apple, Blood Orange and RASPBERRY, my most favorite! 2nd favorite is Mango. All the sorbet tasted really good and refreshing, especially the Raspberry. It is sour and a bit sweet, thanks to the other condiments such as biscuit, raspberry nectar, vanilla chantily and fresh rapsberry which makes everything in the bowl balance.
    Mango sorbet was also great omg i love the condiments (diced mango with passion fruit, lime juice and its zest). Omg it was really balancing the mango sorbet. And hazelnut biscuit gave another texture and flavour! Luv!
    Ah for the ice cream, you should try the most basic one, VANILLA! It made from fresh vanilla seeds, from Papua origin. You can taste and smell a great quality of vanilla ice cream. It also tasted not too sweet!

    Last but not least, I tried one of their signature cake,  Sweet Lemon. It can be shared for up to 5 persons. The cake itself was not really soft in texture, a bit dense and crumbly but the lemon flavour gave an unique taste. The orange zest was also great to give another texture, it tasted like a candy with original flavour. However, it is a bit sweet for my liking.

    Overall, Paris Sorbet is definitely one of must visit place in South area. The owner as well as the chef will directly serve you the best sorbet in town. They are so friendly and like to chit chat with their cust. You should pay a visit guys!

    Harga per orang: Rp. 50.000 - Rp. 100.000
    Makasih Infonya!
    1 pembaca berterima kasih.

  • 4.8  
    Mr. Fox [ SCBD, Barat ]

    Mr Fox really loves all of us with the food

    Had spent an awesome night at Mr. Fox with friends last Monday. Mr Fox is located at Ground Floor of Energy Building. You can find this place easily as you enter the main lobby. Not so spacious, but they have mezzanine. Really love the ambience that Mr Fox offers  here, warm yet live ambience.  Eventhough the area between smoking and non smoking are not well separated, but i didnt feel disturbed at all with the smoke.
    Such a great place for a date, hangout or chillin after office. Service was also great, like what Ismaya group always do to their customer

    Chicken Karaage
    The yuzu mayo was good for me, the karaage was tasty and juicy.

    Mushroom Tofu Soup
    In love with their homemade tofu. It was really soft. The soup was really comforting.

    Chicken Larb Salad
    This chicken salad was so refreshing as they used lime chilli dressing. The portion was really generous, the minced chicken was so tasty and well-cooked. Me likey!

    Steak Frites
    A-medium-australian-wagyu rib eye with kombu blackpepper sauce. In medium doneness, the steak was really perfect, it was so juicy and tasty. Dont forget the sauce, so yummy! I am not really into blackpepper sauce but this was an exception.

    Black Angus Cheeseburger
    When a dish could shut my mouth and keep me enjoy the food without complaining, I would definitely recommend that food to all of you! Yes, i am really in love with this burger.
    From the beef patty, it was really tasty and juicy. Hint of spicy from the combination of sambal oelek and jalapeno really went well with the beef patty and other ingredients.
    Last but not least, i super like the burger bun. It was perfectly toasted, crispy on the outside and the texture was so fluffy. Must try!

    Teh Tubruk Jasmine Panna Cotta
    The presentation was so beautiful. The dessert was so fragrant, as they used teh tubruk jasmine as the main ingredients. Not too sweet at all! The panna cotta texture was good. And yes, the lychee granita gave another sensation in enjoying this dessert. Super recommended!

    Triple Chocolate Brownie
    The brownie was sooo good. Me personally not a chocolate lover, but this one is definitely worth to try. The texture was fudgy and a bit gooey, like how my favorite brownies should be. I love the deep and intense high quality of chocolate taste. Dont forget to have your brownies together with mixed berries coulis(my favorite!) and vanilla ice cream, all of these really balanced each other. I bet you will love it!

    Harga per orang: > Rp. 200.000
    Makasih Infonya!